• Solise Bakery

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Specializes in local and Indonesian mains, as well as mille crepe cake, lapis legit, and durian products. Founded by former Double Durian boss. Follow Instagram @solisebakery and Facebook Page to see upcoming delivery schedule.

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1 Review

First Review by eatsimply


Points +519

15 Jan 2024

Enjoy Nasi Tumpeng in the comfort of home

Enjoyed Nasi Tumpeng in the comfort of our home. We are spoiled with choices of dishes for our Nasi Tumpeng. I like that we can select what to add to our Nasi Tumpeng. Love their use of spices and seasonings! Everything was very flavourful and delectable. The portion was also very generous!

Here are what we ordered.

1. Hericium Mushroom Rendang
2. ⁠Pepes Fish
3. ⁠Hericium Mushroom Satay 10 sticks
4. ⁠VFC
5. ⁠Sambal Brinjal
6. ⁠Perkedel
7. ⁠Sambal Tauco Beancurd Prawn
8. ⁠Sweet Potato Leaves
9. ⁠Turmeric Rice

#vegan #alliumsfree #dairyfree

Updated from previous review on 2024-01-15

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