Fast food

Serves meat, vegan options available. Nepalese restaurant serving vegan pan-fried momos filled with spiced potato, vegan pani puri and a cold starter with soya chunks.

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3 Reviews

First Review by kateleext


Points +29

20 Aug 2023

Amazing vegan momos

I really really love their new zucchini and tofu momo. Super juicy and delicious. Just realised that they have a vegetarian friendly menu. Will try the other vegan momo and salads later


Points +824

20 Nov 2021





// 薯仔素菜饃饃餃子 Veg potato momo $30 / 5pcs; $45 / 8pcs //

佢所有餃子都有兩種煮法🥟,分別係煎同烚🏋🏻,中意試嘢嘅我就梗係試哂兩款。不過落單嘅時候老闆娘同我哋講話素菜饃饃嘅話主要推介煎,話烚唔係好啱呢個素餃,不過抱住唔親口試過都唔相信嘅心態嘅我🤸🏻,都係堅持兩種都試試佢 ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و,結果果然係煎啱啲 lol。

餃子入面包嘅係薯仔蓉 🥔、薯仔粒🥔同一啲蔬菜🥬,口感比較粉同腍,如果係烚嘅話會成隻餃子都爛爛哋噉嘅口感,煎就因為個皮脆脆地同挺身啲,食落香口啲好食啲。味道方面係尼泊爾式嘅香料調味🌱,幾有特色,唔錯 (๑´ㅂ`๑) 。

P.s. 友人食雞肉饃饃🐔,表示好好食,有肉汁,嫩滑,推介。


// 爆汁薯仔香脆波波 Pani puri $40 //

好耐之前去旅行有幸食過當地地道嘅呢款小食,覺得都唔錯,幾有趣,見到呢度都有就試埋 (๑´ㅂ`๑) ♥️。

佢係一粒打爛咗個頂嘅薄脆波波⚽️,入面放啲薯仔蓉同洋蔥粒同一啲(我唔記得咗嘅嘢),然後再附一枝綠色汁汁🔫,呢枝汁無問成份,食落就係薄荷味 🌱 嘅感覺,幾清新脱俗。

成個配搭好fresh,不過可能就係太fresh,我麻麻地,因為我本身太中意濃味惹味嘢 😂,呢個清新又清涼嘅波波令我有啲應接不暇🐒,但係幾特別嘅,未試過可以試下,話晒都真係尼泊爾地道小食🇳🇵,食咗當去咗。


// 撈麵沙律 Chatpati $25 //

呢個見佢話係用媽咪麵👩🏻‍🦱整嘅沙律,聽落幾得意,抱住依家唔試幾時試嘅心態,叫咗一個試下,結果幾驚喜 (//∇//)❣️

入面有感動嘅情感洋蔥🧅,酸甜嘅初戀蕃茄🍅,獨特嘅味覺芫荽🌱,飽滿嘅大地脆米🌾,仲有主角,偉大嘅媽咪之麵。睇落牛頭唔搭馬鼻嘅組合,食落竟然岀奇地好食,洋蔥 🧅 、芫荽 🌱 同蕃茄 🍅好清爽,米同麵好脆好香口,仲有落咗啲調味(唔知係媽咪麵調味粉定自家製)同埋應該係檸汁 🍋,好啱我胃口,清新得嚟熱氣,熱氣得嚟惹味,感覺相當好,係一個唔錯嘅開胃小食。零食愛好大使小蕉 🍌推介之選 ( ˶ ‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅ ˵ )。


我食完之後上網揾下呢間嘢🤔,無意中見到香港人嘅媒體:蘋果嘅訪問,原來舖頭嘅老闆同老闆娘,一個係香港人一個係尼泊爾人,兩個都係因為疫情關係瀕臨失業,把心一橫就一齊開咗呢間尼泊爾食店。呢個故事提醒咗我香港人一直以嚟嘅真正獅子山精神 🦁⛰,就係能屈能伸,靈活變通,你有你嘅張良計,我有我嘅過牆梯,不畏強權,不怕失敗,而唔係一日到黑感謝上頭嘅恩典,有咩事就尋求上面嘅支援,一副奴才嘅嘴臉。總之我哋一定要堅持信念,香港人,要加油哦~🙌🏻


📍 MoMo Moment


Updated from previous review on 2021-11-20

Pros: Clear tags on menu, Special Nepalese style decoration

Cons: Small restaurant, No much area for dine-in


Points +1205

25 Sep 2021

Filling and flavourful

These momos are well spiced and go super well with the peanut sauce. They are filled with potatoes, so even 5 pcs are already good for a small meal! The skin is pan fried to perfection. However, I’d like it even more if there were some shrooms/veggies/proteins inside.

The pani puri was also great, with the same potato filling — and it comes with a cold spicy water that surprised me a lot. You’re supposed to squeeze the water in right before you eat it, and when the crisp shell collapses, your entire mouth is splashed with the refreshing cold liquid. My first time trying this dish!

All in all, a cute hole in the wall offering unique Nepalese street food.

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