
Food bistro offering a daily menu, beyond burgers, stir fries, pancakes, and sweets. Beverages include lemonade, smoothie, coffee, and beer. Est. 2019. Open Mon-Sun 07:00-21:00.

Venue map for Organila Food & Drinks
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15 Reviews

First Review by SarvadiDas


Points +20

31 May 2024


Výborne jedlo aj krásne prostredie


Points +5242

28 Dec 2023


Been here once before and it was nice, however today was a huge disappointment. Staff don't acknowledge you properly and act as if you are the biggest inconvenience. We waited for our food for quite a while and when it finally turned up I really wished we went elsewhere. So bland and boring! My buddha bowl was just plenty of rice, cabbage and mayo with some tofu topping and few tomatoes, edamames and cucumber. They charge a lot but the quality of their food is very poor. The staff aren't very friendly either. I feel bad to write review like this for a veggie restaurant and it doesn't happen very often but this experience really wasn't good.


28 Dec 2023

Your honesty and integrity serves this community well. Thank you.


Points +13

27 Nov 2023

Neprijemny casnik

Jedine miesto, kde sa ako vegetarian viem najest, ked som v Piestanoch. Jedlo je dobre pripravene a z kvalitnych surovin.
Servis casnicky bol uplne vporiadku.
Moje ocakavanie z restauracie je aj odchadzat s dobrym pocitom a to som teda nemal.

Nemal som v plane pisat recenziu, ale aktualne tu sedim a neverim co sa deje. Pan s bradkou a polodlhymi vlasmi doniesol polievku, ktoru sme si nakoniec neobjednali. Ja som povedal, ze ved nevadi, ze ak je polievka bez mlieka tak je to v poriadku.
Pan uz ale siel za bar a asi ma nepocul a miesto toho aby to zvladol, tak arogantne kyval hlavou. Siel som za nim, podotykam slusne, ze ho vidim a ze vidim co robi a ze to nie je problem na dramatizaciu. Pan ma ocividne problem s vlastnym egom a neuvedomuje si, ze ma vyhanal s rodinou z restauracie. Mna, zakaznika v prazdnom podniku. Neospravedlnil sa a povedal iba “v pohode”, bez toho, ze by sa otocil smerom ku mne, ked sa s nim rozpravam. Chcel som to zahodit za hlavu a nemal som v plane ani eskalovat situaciu recenziou ale co nasledovalo ma uz dorazilo. Do podniku prisli priatelia tohto “casnika” (zena a muz) a ocividne o mne komunikovali, pretoze si ma premeriavali a s posmeskom pozerali na mna.

Necitil som sa prijemne, za takuto neuctu by som najradsej nezaplatil. Mrzi ma to, pretoze toto bolo jedine miesto v Piestanoch, kde sme sa ako vegetariani vedeli najest.
Takto sa biznis nerobi. Preco si ten clovek nenajde inu pracu, ked to nechce robit dobre? Aspon trocha slusnosti by to chcelo.

Boli by sme radi este keby je v priestore teplejsie a viac svetla. Neviem posudit, ci to je ovplyvnene vyssie spomenutou neprijemnou situaciou, ale prostredie posobilo depresivne (aj ked vnimam a ocenujem snahu v podobe prerabky)

Pros: Dobre pripravene jedlo, Kvalitne suroviny, Casnicka

Cons: Arogantny casnik, Zima, Tma


Points +1888

20 Nov 2023

Nice vegan bistro near riverbank

Restaurant with very nice vibe and lovely staff. The food was unexpectedly good and portions so large we did not manage to get dessert - we have to come back for the pancakes with salty caramel ☺️

Edit: last visit was dissapointing, but we could catch them on bad day.

Updated from previous review on 2023-11-20

Pros: Location, Portions, Interior


Points +84

09 Mar 2023

Budha bowl

A very pleasant place with a large terrace and a beautiful view, where you can enjoy breakfast or lunch ✨. I had the Buddha bowl and I wasn't very happy with it, a small piece of avocado, a few pieces of tofu and the rice wasn't the best either... But the pasta was delicious. The service was really amazing 🍀


Points +173

10 Feb 2023

The best restaurant in town

What a great experience coming here for the lunch! Soooo tasty and unique food. Everything is vegan with high quality ingredients. We were coming with my husband whole week everyday for lunch and we can 100% recommend 👌 we ate jackfruit burger, hokkaido risotto, "tatarák" (mixed beetroot), many different soups, some meals from the daily menu and lots of desserts including old-good Marlenka cake - everything was excellent 😋

Pros: Unique recipes , High quality ingredients , Different desserts

Points +82

14 Jan 2023

Big suprise

Big suprise with beautiful view. It is the only vegan option in Piestany, it definitely worth your visit.

Updated from previous review on 2021-09-22

Pros: Good price, Tasty, Lots of options


Points +38

17 Nov 2022

Extra ceny,ktore nie su nikde uvedene

V menu boli uvedene jedla na kazdy den v tyzdni (vratane stvrtka - sviatok). Cena bola uvedena s polievkou alebo bez. Objednali sme si 2x menu a 2 pohare cistej vody. Miesto - 10 € za jedno menu s polievkou sme platili 15 €/menu plus extra priplatok za vodu z kohutika. Tato cena nebola nikde uvedena a pri plateni nam stroho odvetili, ze je to specialne menu.


Points +1149

14 Nov 2022

Yes yes yes!

Unfortunately no English menu but many many options and very helpful staff. The vegan burger was just amazing, the wraps were good too. The interior was lovely decorated and cosy. I can 100% recommend it!


Points +23

18 Sep 2022

Be careful what you order, not pure vegan!

This is not pure vegan bistro, the serve plenty of meals with eggs or milk. They also want to pay extra for plant base milk. Which is ridiculous if you enter and see big sign with "Go vegan" above the bar. Coffee was acceptable.

Pros: Good choise of vegan meal

Cons: This is NOT pure vegan bisto, Half of menu contains eggs or milk, You have to pay extra for plant base milk


Points +1315

22 Apr 2022

Long waiting for food.👎

Be quickier. Take care of your guests.

Updated from previous review on 2022-03-29


Points +19

11 Nov 2021

Great quality and delicious food

This place is filled with wonderful energy and pure vegan food, deserts and delicious juices.

Pros: pure vegan food, great environment , kind service


Points +129

21 Sep 2020

Birthday lunch

Great place to meet, celebrate and eat amazing food 👍🏻 they made amazing chocolate vegan cake for me and we just licked even our fingers, soooo goood 🎂

Pros: great ambience , kind and helpful staff, delicious vegan food


Points +164

02 Aug 2020

Could be 6 out of 5 if not for the cakes...

Amazing food, cozy interior, splendid terrace view and lovely staff - the full package! Kudos for offering more traditional desserts, however they did not taste fresh, next time I'd think twice about ordering them by the end of the week...


Points +43

03 Nov 2019

Excelent food & place

Beautiful place, friendly staff, delicious vegan and gluten-free food as well as tart desserts with parisian cream and raw cakes ❤️🙏🏻🕉🌸😋

Pros: nice meals, quality raw materials, beautiful place & people

Cons: Smaller but nice offer

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