
Local specialties in a little restaurant situated between Old Sacre Coeur pharmacy and Hotel Lumière, in the direction of Goughin Watam Kaiser and if you follow along rue Simon Compaoré it will be the third street on your left if you are coming from the centre. Offers local staples in vegan versions like riz soumbala, riz gras, tofu brochettes. Makes its own tofu and also sell juices by the bottle like ginger, bissap, and soy milk. Open Mon-Sat 12:00pm-11:30pm.

Venue map for Nasa
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4 Reviews

First Review by sammywfpb


Points +669

15 Oct 2021

Vegan paradise

This is the place to get to know burkinabè cuisine! Friendly staff, nice choice of food, affordable, lots to try! Especially the tofu brochettes and home made soy milk!

Pros: All vegan, Authentic local food, Friendly people


Points +3869

02 Nov 2020

Loved it!

Super friendly staff. They were excited to see a foreigner.

Food is good and gives you a chance to try local foods in vegan versions. Food is very inexpensive.

Service is quick and friendly. Go here!

Pros: All vegan, Friendly


Points +81

29 Oct 2019


I think this is the only vegan restaurant in ouaga so it’s a must. We took our food to go. The restaurant is clean and very cheap, the owner is friendly. The food was very good , I highly recommended the tofu skewers. Will be coming back 😊

Pros: Very cheap , fully vegetarian, I think vegan , clean


Points +119

21 Feb 2019

A vegan place in Ouagadougou

We had a lunch break and stopped at NASA for a vegan treat. Clean place and healthy food.

Pros: Plenty of vegan options , The tofu skewers are delicious., Extremely cheap

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