• Huaiye Sushi

  • (2)
  • White Vegan

Chinese name: 归乡轩素食餐馆. Address: 南岗区北宣桥街极乐小区二道街7号(极乐寺西侧). Previously named Gui Xiang Xuan Vegetarian.

Venue map for Huaiye Sushi
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2 Reviews

First Review by gkreitz


Points +7546

05 May 2017

Delicious food and super friendly staff

We had problems finding this place but after showing the Chinese address to some people we eventually found it. We were greeted by five super friendly Chinese women who didn't speak a word of English but they communicated by pointing at pictures on the wall and showing us raw groceries which was hilarious.

The place was very small and cozy with only four tables. It felt like it was their former living room which they had turned into a restaurant.

The food was spectacular (although very oily, but that's China). We had a dish with tofu, faux meat, aubergine, potatoes and vegetables that was especially amazing. We had 4 dishes in total which cost us 64 Yuan.

We'll definitely go back here soon. Don't miss this place!

Pros: Amazing food, Super friendly staff

Cons: No English spoken (but it wasn't a real proble, No English menu (but it wasn't a real problem


Points +77

13 Feb 2010

Absolutely fantastic! Go there!

This is the friendliest restaurant I've ever been to! It's definitely not a fancy place, but it's extremely cozy and homely. Even if you can find vegan dishes at most regular restaurants in Harbin, make sure to visit this small restaurant during your stay, and do so early as you'll probably want to come back (we did).

The food is purely vegan, so unless you have allergies, everything should be safe.

Finding our way turned out to be a bit of an adventure, as it's located on a street where the taxis do not drive. We were dropped off nearby, and after asking a few locals for directions, we eventually found it. Hopefully the photo will make it slightly easier to find.

The food was absolutely wonderful, and included some of the best fake meat I've tasted. Prices are extremely low, about 120 yuan for 8 marvellous dishes (more than enough for the 8 of us). When paying, we really wished that there was a culture of tipping in China (instead, she rounded the price down a few yuan)!

The owner is a cute little lady who does not speak a single word of english. However, she has extreme patience in trying to explain and to understand what you're saying, so we were happily convinced we wouldn't be served anything animal. We came with a chinese dictionary, and pointing at words and phrases worked out well for what we wanted to say. There was no menu, so we "said" vegetables, mushrooms, and tofu. She then came back and let us taste the fake meat mentioned above, to which we happily nodded, so we got a few dishes with that too (so, if you can, bring the chinese characters for fake meat!). On the second occasion we were there, she asked if we wanted spicier food by showing a pepper.

The visit to this restaurant was the best experience of our Harbin trip!

Pros: Friendly staff, Excellent food, No english

Cons: No english

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