
A volunteer-based organization focused on reforestation and food security in arid areas. Established in India, Haiti and Kenya. This location is in a tropical dry evergreen forest and is entirely run on solar energy. Hosts a vegan festival annually. Serves three vegan meals per day (2 at the weekend), blending influences from different regions. Organic whenever possible and fresh from local farms. There is no charge - food is offered as a gift. Down the street at 0.2 miles is its tea shop which serves organic tea and vegan laddus (no charge). Also offers free guided tours of the off-grid community, forest, and vegan farm animal sanctuary every day and throughout the day. Every Friday, from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm, hosts the Eco-Film Club, which includes a tour of the community and forest, a screening of an environmental documentary, and a vegan meal. Open Mon-Fri 8:00am-9:30am, 12:00pm-1:30pm, Mon-Wed 5:30pm-7:00pm, Fri 7:00pm-8:30pm, Sat-Sun 8:30am-10:00am, Sat 5:30pm-8:00pm, Sun 5:30pm-7:00pm. Serves meals at these times.

Venue map for Sadhana Forest
© OpenStreetMap contributors

162 Reviews

First Review by vegantommasina


Points +20

04 May 2023

Great learnings

The community is the best part of Sadhana Forest. It's a dynamic community centered around compassion and sustainability that expands and contracts all the time. But the friendship and comradery are always constant. It is a place where the east meets the west in perfect harmony. I left my country 44 years ago, and this is the closest I have come to "home." The hardest part is saying goodbye to friends.

Sleeping huts are comfortable and rustic. Made of all natural material. My first impression was Robinson Crusoe's hut. Waking up to the sound of birds is the best part.

The food is great. Plant based whole food. Just my style. The breakfasts are heavenly with so many different types of fruit. Other meals are a mix of internal cuisine depending on the lead cook. No one goes hungry here. Most people socialize during meals. I usually eat mindfully in silence.

Goshala is a unique experience.
"The place of cows." Every cow and bull has their own personality. It can get exciting at times, especially around meal times. Most of them love to be brushed. They actually show you the part that they need brushed. And tell you when they don't like something or when they're done.

The tea hut is the most amazing place. The ambiance is great. It reminds me of the old west. The servers are awesome, too. I jokingly refer to the pair as the cute bar girl and the bouncer. A place to unwind and socialize.

Updated from previous review on 2023-05-04


Points +16

02 Sep 2024

Embracing Nature and Sustainability at Sadhana Forest: A Personal Recommendation

Sadhana Forest is a captivating location, characterized by its commitment to conservation and service. The community there is driven by a clear and passionate vision to preserve the environment and serve others. This ethos resonates deeply with me, and whenever I find the time, I make it a point to visit. The old adage, "Nature is the bedrock of our human existence," perfectly encapsulates the philosophy that Sadhana Forest embodies.

Visiting Sadhana Forest is not just a journey into a more sustainable way of living but a transformative experience that educates and inspires. The community doesn't just preach about environmental preservation and a vegan lifestyle; they truly live by these principles, making it a genuine, practice-what-you-preach setting.

I highly recommend that others visit Sadhana Forest, and bring their children along. It's an excellent opportunity for young minds to see firsthand the importance of living in harmony with nature and the impact of sustainable living practices. Experiencing this place can help instill lifelong values of environmental stewardship and personal responsibility in the next generation.

Pros: Educational Experience, Role Models, Inspiring Individuals, Healthy Vegan Food

Cons: NA


Points +16

13 Aug 2024

Sadhana Forest

As per me a place to visit atleast one time in your life. Where you can meet yourself, you can meet with nature, can meet with people who are seva oriented and can gain knowledge from the sadhana Forest which helps you to change your lifestyle towards sustainability and seva. You can have a healthy diet for you and for the future generations where you can set an example. I have visited twice till now and I had a great time always there and coming to food it is the best food you can ever have.

Pros: Highly recommend for food , You can get to know about what is ethical for the


Points +29

13 Aug 2024

Sadhana Forest is truly inspiring

I had attended the Vegan Forest Festival this year, the atmosphere during the 3 days fest was amazing. Never felt so peaceful, happy and in complete harmony with nature. Witnessed sustainable living in practice. There is something very special about this place that leaves a lasting impression on you. I am going to not miss the opportunity to be part of this festival and community.

Pros: Peaceful atmosphere, Healthy and tasty food, Friendly staff

Cons: Nothing, Nothing, Nothing


Points +16

13 Aug 2024

Free vegan food cooked with love and kindness!

Eating whole-food vegan food in an off-grid vegan eco-community shared free of charge, prepared by volunteers is a very beautiful experience.

Pros: whole food, Free, Made and served with love!


Points +18

27 Jun 2024

Sustainable living

Good vegan food, no chillies and less oil. Cooked with amazing hygiene standards and served with lots and lots if love and compassion

Pros: Friendly people, Sustainable architecture


Points +16

27 Jun 2024

Had an Amazing Time here

Unexpectedly ended up here during my solo trip to Auroville. Stayed in Sadhana Forest for 4 days as a volunteer. Had a really amazing experience. Living in the huts, morning forest seva, had vegan meals, cooking preparation, goushala seva are beautiful memories. Living in harmony with nature, animals and a great community. I learned a lot of values, about veganism, sustainable living and connected with the most amazing souls. Everyone should experience this atleast once in their lifetime. Will definitely keep coming back to this place.

Pros: Vegan food, Community talks, Good values


Points +18

27 Jun 2024

Super delicious vegan meals

We got whole food plant based meals , super delicious!

Pros: All vegan, Breakfast Millets, Friday dinner


Points +16

21 Jun 2024

Vegan food

Here we find a delicious vegan food and we can have a great environment and positive people around you


Points +11

Mostly Veg
21 Jun 2024

Vegan food at Sadhana forest!

Sadhana forest serves only vegan unprocessed food! The best part about it is their hygiene practices while preparing the food!

Pros: Hygiene practices


Points +84

21 May 2024

One of a kind!

Anyone who is in the Auroville/Pondicherry should definitely visit Sadhana Forest! It's a truly unique place. Whether you show up for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you can join in for a whole foods-based vegan meal made with fresh, local, and organic ingredients, at no charge. In addition to being vegan, the meals are eco-friendly in a number of other ways:

- They are cooked on fuel-efficient rocket stoves using wood from nearby trees that have died of natural causes
- Equipment like blenders and the water purifier run on solar power
- Food peels, scraps, and leftover are fed to the cows in the vegan Gaushala, the dogs, or composted
- Dishes are washed using only natural and biodegradable materials

Come on a Friday night and, in addition to the meal, you'll be treated to a complete tour of Sadhana Forest and an documentary.

If you are really happy with your meal, you can also stay and volunteer and learn all about planting trees and other aspects of compassionate, eco-friendly living.

Pros: All vegan, all healthy, Community atmosphere, Totally free


Points +6

Non Veg
19 Mar 2024

숲에서 자연의 일부로 살아가는 경험

사다나 포레스트에서 10일은 보통의 경험이라기 보다 삶의 예술에 대해 배웠던 것 같다. 처음 도착해서 본 Nature is not a place to visit, It’s home. 이라는 글이 눈에 들어왔다. 자연의 일부로 살아가는 곳, 이곳에서는 인간은 자연의 일부분이고 자연과 연결되어 있다는 사실을 다시 느끼게 했고, 지금 이 순간에 온전하게 집중할 수 있는 멋진 시간이었다.
숲속에서 전 세계의 다양한 사람들과 공동체 생활을 하면서 긍정적인 동기부여를 많이 얻었다. 같이 땀흘리며 봉사하고 토론하며 다양한 문화에 대해 많이 배울 수 있었다. Selfless Service 세바를 하면서 매일 변화하고 있는 나 자신에 대해 알아차릴 수 있었고 인간 뿐만 아니라 살아있는 모든 존재는 감정이 있고 하나하나 소중하다는 것을 더 깊이 느낄 수 있었다.

이곳에서는 최대한 자연을 덜 해치는 방법으로 삶 속에서 직접 행동으로 실천한다. 물을 내리지 않는 건조 화장실, 물을 절약하며 샤워하고 손씻고 재로 설거지하는 놀라운 대안적인 방법들. 치약 비누 샴푸도 생태학적으로 자연분해되는 것들로 사용한다. 자연의 일부인 인간으로 살아가려고 노력하는 밝은 에너지의 사람들이 여기 모여있다.
10일 동안 비건생활을 직접 경험해보면서 비건이란 어떤 의미인지 동물에서 어떤 것도 얻지 않는 모습들 속에서 새로운 관점을 얻게 되었고 많은 관심이 생겼다. 여기서 잔뜩 먹은 과일과 야채 건강한 식단이 그리울거 같다ㅠㅠ

또한 요가 명상 댄스 사운드배스 등 다양한 워크샵을 공동체 구성원들 누구나 만들어 갈 수 있고, 재능을 공유할 공간도 언제든지 열려 있다.
선풍기도 전등도 없는 오두막에서 자고, 하늘과 별이 보이는 화장실을 사용하면서 처음에는 낯설고 불편했던 감정들이 점차 적응이 되었다. 많은 것들을 받아들일 수 있는 힘이 커졌다.

사나다 포레스트에서는 매 순간을 새로운 눈으로 바라볼 수 있는 명상의 시간이고, 이곳에 오는 것만으로도 스스로에게 많은 사람들에게 긍정적인 변화를 줄 수 있을 것 같다.


Points +20

19 Mar 2024

Sadhana forest

ഹേയ് sadhana forest അത്ഭുതകരമായ വന സമൂഹത്തിൻ്റെ വിപുലീകരണമാണ്, ഞാൻ ആരോവില്ലിൽ യാത്ര ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച ടൂർ പ്രോഗ്രാം കാണാൻ അവസരം ലഭിച്ചു. സുസ്ഥിരമായ ജീവിതശൈലിയും പിന്തുണാ അന്തരീക്ഷവും നിങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തുന്ന ഈ കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റിയിൽ ഞാൻ ശരിക്കും മതിപ്പുളവാക്കി. ചുരുങ്ങിയ കാലത്തേക്കോ ദീർഘകാലത്തേക്കോ volunteering ചെയ്യാൻ ഓരോ വ്യക്തിയെയും sadhana forest സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്യുന്നു, ഇത് പരിസ്ഥിതി പിന്തുണയുടെ പ്രാധാന്യം സമൂഹത്തിൽ പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കും. മനുഷ്യൻ്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തിന് ഉത്തമമായ veganisum സാധന സമൂഹം കർശനമായി പിന്തുടരുന്നു

For volunteering ചുവടെയുള്ള ഇമെയിലിൽ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക.


Points +17

15 Mar 2024

Best Vegan place to volunteer

Sadhana Forest is not just an experience, it's a way of life. I relished some very delicious cuisine from all over the world each day I spent here. The diet consists of whole grains, fresh fruits, salads and hygiene is taken very seriously. This is probably the healthiest place food wise.

Updated from previous review on 2024-03-13


Points +15

Mostly Veg
14 Mar 2024

Simple and delicious, unprocessed vegan food

While I came to Sadhana Forest to volunteer in reforestation, I learned and experienced so much more. You can expect to learn information across a wide variety of topics, including zero-waste, composting, water conservation, and vegan cooking. One of the core values of Sadhana Forest is vegan cooking and treating animals with compassion. You can expect to receive three delicious and fresh vegan meals a day made with local and unprocessed ingredients. With the volunteering I had the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, such as different methods of planting new trees or how to make coconut milk from scratch. I loved being part of the Sadhana Forest community and spending quality time with the people here. Everyone is ready to listen and lend a helping hand. If you’re looking for a well-rounded experience that includes volunteering, skill-building, good food and community look no further and visit Sadhana Forest!


Points +10

Non Veg
14 Mar 2024

Amazing vegan community

The food at Sadhana is simple, fresh, sustainably sourced, and delicious! We all cook throughout the day to prepare a vegan cuisine for our community. I feel great after eating everyday and just feel healthier overall.

One of the things I like most about Sadhana is that it’s not only the forest that is growing, it’s also the people. You learn so much here, and you can really bring your full self to the community. No one judges you and everyone is so welcoming. The work itself is so meaningful - helping to regrow the natural forest here, cooking for the community, cleaning, preparing water irrigation devices. In that way, you also learn a lot about conservation, sustainability and plant-based diets. These are all things you can bring back and integrate into your life at home. If you’re already thinking about coming here, think no further - do it!!

Pros: Sense of community, Delicious and simple food, Meaningful work

Cons: Safety practices could be improved


Points +22

11 Mar 2024

Really good way of eating that I haven’t experienced anywhere else.

I love their whole foods plant based nourishing meals. And the vegan desserts are my personal favourite. I had thought I would go back to a nice flat tummy when I go back from here because of all the physical work but with all the over-eating I have been indulging in, I am in a dilemma.

It is the perfect vacation and volunteering project for me. I get to put my believes in action again and reconnect to parts of myself I hadn’t accessed in a long time. The community is really a safe space and really takes all the social anxiety off you. Also constantly living in the forest helps regulate the nervous system well with all the forest bathing that happens. Doing hands on physical work also helped me learn and start taking care of my body again. And considering the resource footprint minimisation while staying here is an added advantage. And you do all this while helping sustain an evergreen dry forest which has been grown in a dry arid land supporting the local biodiversity and recharging ground water table. I wouldn’t ask for more from a place.


Points +20

11 Mar 2024

Nourishing my Soul in Sadhana Forest

When I was looking for an eco-community to volunteer at, I was mostly interested in finding a place that only prepares and serves vegan food. Sadhana Forest seemed like a vegan heaven for me. All the food is prepared fresh on the premises, is mostly organic and local, unprocessed and so delicious! Having a background in cooking myself I find that preparing such nourishing food is a lovely way to show others how much you care for them. I even had the opportunity to lead the cooking team a few times, making my experience here more special and unforgettable!


Points +20

11 Mar 2024

Sustainable vegan food

The food at Sadhana is healthy, tasty, and free for anyone who shows up! It's all vegan, sourced from local farms, is mostly organic, and there are absolutely no refined sugars or grains. Vegan Chai (made with fresh coconut milk) and laddos are served at the Sadhana tea hut every weekday afternoon 4-5.30. And any volunteer can help out with food preparation. And, the food is only a fraction of what Sadhana is all about.

Updated from previous review on 2024-03-11

Pros: Low carbon footprint, Healthy, Fresh and local


Points +15

Mostly Veg
08 Mar 2024

Bliss in Sadhana Forest

Living in Sadhana Forest is an enthralling experience. Waking up to the sounds of nature, starting the day with warm smiles in a community of people from all over the world,  doing Seva , preparing healthy vegan meals, relaxing in the serene environs, learning about different cultures, learning and contributing to sustainable practices of living by conserving water and much more is what you gain when you come to this forest.
Being in sync with Nature, community living  & having healthy meals, works as a catalyst for one's own self growth. I was touched by the compassion way of living here, with people and animals living in harmony with each other. We had sumptuous Vegan meals. The Ragi breakfast was delicious and filling. Had a whole lot of fresh seasonal fruits. The coconut flavoured curries served for lunch was flavoursome. And if you are there, don't miss the vegan masala tea with ragi laddu served at the Tea hut.
The pace of the day allowed me to unwind in the lap of nature whilst indulging mindfully in the volunteering tasks.
The accommodation is comfortable for toddlers and adults. An experiential stay, where each day feels fulfilled and blissful.


Points +15

Mostly Veg
08 Mar 2024

Sadhana forest

The people here are very warm and welcoming to everyone. I felt like I was already a part of the community since the day I arrived. Obviously, the first 2 days I did take time getting used to the schedules but, by the 3rd day, I had adjusted quite well.
There are people from places from all around the world, and it was really nice to hear about their experiences.
At Sadhana Forest, they practice water conservation and reforestation.
The food here is vegan, and coming from a non-vegan, it was really, really, good. We eat a lot of fruits which taste amazing and also keeps us hydrated. There's a lot of ragi and millets used in the food which is are great sources of calcium.
It's so calm and quiet here unlike the cities with all that hustle-bustle and craziness, which is just nurturing and peaceful for my mind.
I would definitely recommend to stay here to get away from the chaos and just to experience life in the forest in a productive manner.

Pros: Hygienic and Great food, Good ambience of people


Points +13

29 Feb 2024

Freshly cooked vegan meal from the community

Sadhana Forest is a community driven space, we prepare vegan meal everyday for the volunteers and visitors. All the vegan meals are so tasty and cook with love.


Points +15

Mostly Veg
29 Feb 2024

Newly Veg

A guilty admission, I am neither Vegan or Vegetarian outside of the forest, but have been cooked and served a wide range of incredible foods that I would never have tried myself. From peanut butter pancakes to Thai green curries, the food here has been excellent. There has even been a request here for a Sadhana forest cookbook. I regularly drink alcohol and I have never been particularly spiritual in my life (another guilty admission). However coming here has enlightened me to other ways of living, some of which I will implement into my every day life. There is such a strong community feel that time flys by and the urge to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner completely goes.

Pros: New food , Nice service , Homely


Points +16

26 Feb 2024

A mother’s perspective

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”
- Kahlil Gibran

These lines form my core in my identity as a mother. I volunteered together with my children at Sadhana Forest with the intention to be in an environment where life pulsates freely providing rich earth for their growth.

It is also a place which resonates with my ideals of children be raised in communities, vegan/raw vegan food, sustainability, inclusiveness, appreciation, exchange, connection to the elements and a contributive way of life.

It can happen only if there itself is a lot of air flowing in terms of diverse and wide array of people coming in, sharing their ways of life through the course of stay and loving in a way that responds to their life’s calling as against the ‘this way’ or ‘must be done’ dictates of the slave world.

Like there are multiple pores in the human body, so much a child (by extension, the mother) open their life to multiple sources of nourishment where people are just themselves. And you can be truly you only in spaces where you live.

Amidst sevas, I naturally learnt what it means to interact or indulge in a meaningful exchange while also developing appreciation and owning the tasks as if my life was complete doing just that. My complain towards tasks at home underwent a change because of this change in attitude.

I usually find people more trusting, particularly if I have to entrust them to my children, if they are capable of letting go of the usual comforts. Everyone and the living at Sadhana forest embodies just that I can offer myself freely without the need to put a guard or a shield.

When you show up this way, you understand from your life that people are essentially the same at the most fundamental level. The eternal struggle to find your place in the world ceases and I found that I began feeling more at home wherever I was. I hope that my children do gain a sense of this.

I no longer need to burn myself out offering n perspectives and can leave them with food for thought while also living as a comrade together with them.

Sadhana brings a deep sense of appreciation and grounding. Our way of living in the city is high raw vegans, sustainability and choosing more off-grid lifestyle. They are teenagers and when they see the world may retaliate or really question. I hope that finding that connection.

Pros: Sustainability , Vegan, Community exchange


Points +17

26 Feb 2024

Planting trees in vegan community

I stayed in Sadhana Forrest for 3 weeks in february 2024. It is a peaceful, friendly and healthy place. It was a marvelous experience and I would highly recommend this to anyone!


You will have the experience of staying inside the jungle. It is wonderful to be waken up by the birds singing. Staying inside the forrest maked me calmer and more connected to myself. You can also contribute your work and go planting or watering the trees on the morning.

Connecting with people and community leaving.

During my stay in Sadhana I met many people from around the world. We spend a lot of time working together, eating together and having great conversations. Sharing joy and difficulties together was a great pleasure. I hope friendships i made in Sadhana will last for a long time.Quite often people were making workshops on different topics so it was never boring. I enjoyed this community life much more than isolated life the western culture!

Veganism and healthy lifestyle.

The food in Sadhana is 100% vegan. Very fresh and unprocessed. The meals are delicious and give you power for work. After couple of days I started to enjoy not drinking coffee, cause feel more healthy and balanced. Suprisingly I even found it good to wake up early cause you can observe beatiful light after the dawn and the day was so long. During the day it was rather busy so I was not using my phone that much, which makes me more calm and mindful.

Trying yourself in different tasks.

During my stay in Sadhana I was watering small trees in the forest, cooking meals for community, preparing the fire wood, cleaning after meals, serving people food, helping at the cow sanctuary, serving at the tea hut and not to forget cleaning the toilets. Was wonderful to try myslef in different tasks, to work manually and to see results of my work.

I had really good time in Sadhana Forrest. Before I come i was bit tired of travelling and my stay in Sadhana helped my to get grounded and a little bit feel like at home. Hope I will come back one day!

Pros: Living inside the jungle, Meeting people from all over the world, Healthy lifestyle

Cons: Mosquitos , Simple shower, Early wakeup


Points +20

26 Feb 2024

Tasty and healthy and free!

Every meal I had was full of flavour and made using whole foods with no or minimal oil which I think is the future for disease prevention, reversal and longevity of life so people can continue to give selfless service to forests like this!

Eating as a community really made me feel connected to the people I was eating with, to the chefs and to the food that was feeding me and the people who have supplied it. Much gratitude!

Pros: Tasty, Healthy, Togetherness

Cons: Millet and coconut running out!, So good I over ate!


Points +6

Non Veg
14 Feb 2024

My stay in Sadhana

I heard about Sadhana from a friend who had visited earlier this year, who had explained about it’s uniqueness of experimental living and sustainable approach. The plan was to stay for 4 days but it’s been about 3 weeks now and I’ve never felt a sense of gratitude envelope me this way. .

It’s been quite a journey especially connecting with wonderful people who have come from different parts of the world to share and learn about sustainable living ( linked to veganism), reforestation, water conservation and most importantly compassion which is taught through and through in every seva we partake in and to treat the animals around you the way you would treat yourself which is with love and respect.

The immense shift from the normal way of consuming media through your laptop or phone screens and working 8 hours a day to make ends meet to a mindful living where you are working towards basic but important needs such as cooking food, planting trees, ensuring cleanliness and promoting sustainable living for a better future. The simplicity of life here eliminates the question of what’s your purpose or how you can be someone of greater value instead encouraging you to be grateful and mindful in every action

The focus is on selfless service and putting materialistic gains on the backburner. The idea of compassion can truly be understood here living in the forest that’s always giving. I’m humbled and in awe with the way of living in true unity and seeing hands on work being encouraged in an age where we are all behind screens. Thank you Sadhana for being one of my biggest mentors and giving me more than I could ask for.

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