2 Filtered Reviews of Pino's

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Points +28

05 Feb 2019

Never again

So I went alone because I don’t really have vegan friends and I approached the desk and asked if they had a menu. He directed me to look to the chalk board which I ordered some pasta from. He took my order, charged my card and said I could stay and wait or come back in about 10 minutes. I thought that was bizarre since I obviously planned on eating there since I literally asked to see a menu shortly before, and never made any indication that I was just getting some takeaway. I didn’t let it bother me, or at least tried not to. I stay at a table and waited. Eventually they come out and while everyone else at the restaurant was eating on plates with silverware I was given a cardboard takeaway box and a wooden fork. I never felt more dismissed and unwanted at a restaurant in my life. I felt humiliated as if I was being pushed out.
On top of that, the pasta wasn’t that good. It was very underwhelming and tasted like something I could have easily made at home for way cheaper.
I was so excited to see a new vegan restaurant come to Newcastle but I was so let down.


Points +1412

08 Jun 2021

A little underwhelming.

I heard many raving reviews about this place before my visit so naturally I was excited to visit a purely vegan Italian restaurant, but the excitement subsided quickly when I was presented with a menu that featured predominantly pasta and rice balls.

What kind of Italian restaurant doesn't serve pizza? Pino's... apparently!

I ordered the aranchini balls and a pasta. Upon first bite into the rice balls I felt a hair on my tongue, I spat it out onto my plate & saw that it was long and black. About 20cm long. Yuck! Not a great start to the meal. I felt sick knowing I had been chewing on the hair of one of the kitchen staff.

The kitchen staff should really be wearing hair nets. Isn't that some kind of food safety rule? Anyway, next was the pasta.

The serving was so small, like a child's serving. Yes, it tasted fresh but the flavour was so underwhelming that it was really just a struggle to finish. Two minutes later and my meal was finished, so I sat and waited for my friends to finish, wondering why they talked this place up so much.

The aftermath wasn't so good either. I felt heavy in the stomach & had the urge to puke. I don't know what it was that I was served here but it wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination.

Any restaurant that charges $20 for a meal should leave its guests feeling full, right? I ended up having to cook something else up for dinner after I'd left because the portion size wasn't enough.

I can't believe people rave about this place. The old Pino's (now Greasers) at The Family Hotel shat all over this restaurant. It's safe to say my high hopes have been shattered and I sadly won't be returning here.

Updated from previous review on 2021-06-08

Updated from previous review on 2021-06-08

Pros: It's all vegan

Cons: Expensive , small portions, reheated pasta , staff don't wear hair nets... Free floss!