2 Filtered Reviews of Galaxy Rune

The reviews below were either questionable or violated our site terms. They therefore are not factored into this business's overall star rating.

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Points +92

02 Feb 2020

Owner is transphobic and sexist

I will not support transphobic businesses.


05 Feb 2020

Not true and not cool to say that. Come talk to us to learn more.


Points +107

19 Jul 2021

Problematic ownership

I loved the food here. Unfortunately, since my visit I have learned that the owner has made several misogynistic and transphobic comments in the past. I thought he was a bit brusque when we ordered, but ultimately I'm not concerned with people not being "cheerful," so I didn't really care. However, I cannot support misogynistic or transphobic establishments.

Incredibly disappointing, as I really loved the food. I guess if you don't care about the beliefs and comments of ownership, give it a shot. As a trans man, I don't have that luxury.

Updated from previous review on 2021-07-10

Updated from previous review on 2021-07-10


24 Jul 2021

Go spread your lies and rumors elsewhere. Shame on you for being an online bully. I pity your gullibility. We've had several trans employees and none of them have EVER said such things. We have gay, straight, men and women employees. No one has ever said such things. Shame on you for being perpetuator of lies. All I can figure is that you are so desperate to find a bad person that you are attacking an ally. Good grief.