Find Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in Sanxenxo

D'aki Tako


Rua do Sol, 2, Sanxenxo, Spain


Gastrobar La Cueva


7 Praza de Portugal, Sanxenxo, Spain


La Pepita Burger Bar


Paseo da Praia de Silgar, 22, Sanxenxo, Spain


Heladería Gofrería Stracciatella

Ice CreamIce Cream

Calle de Rafael Pico, 44, Sanxenxo, Spain

La Postreria de Marta


Rúa do Progreso 15, Sanxenxo, Spain

It is advised to call before you visit any of the above listings in this restaurant directory to be sure of their open hours, etc.

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