Find Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in San Giovanni In Persiceto

Pizzeria Pantera Rosa


Via Roma 33, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy


Ristorante Sorsimorsi


2 Via Poggio, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy


Caseificio vegano di Barbara Ferrante


1 Via Goffredo Mameli, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy


Il Gelato di una Volta

Ice CreamIce Cream

13 Via Giulio Cesare Croce, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy



Health StoreHealth Store

Via Bologna, 15, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy


Terzo Tempo

Coffee & TeaCoffee & Tea

18/b Via Antonio Gramsci, San Giovanni In Persiceto, Italy


It is advised to call before you visit any of the above listings in this restaurant directory to be sure of their open hours, etc.

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