Find Vegan Options in La Roche-sur-yon
Bistro Végé
10 rue du 8 mai, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Carpe Diet Café
54 Rue Charles Bourseul, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Place du Marché, 4, La Roche-sur-yon, France
La Cave À Manger
6 Rue du 8 Mai 1945, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Le Brin D'Appetit
Esplanade Mazurelle, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Potes Et Boc
4 Place Napoléon, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Biocoop Croq'Bio Nord
Health Store
91 rue Philippe Lebon, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Biocoop Croq'Bio Sud
Health Store
74 rue de Montreal, ZI Acti-Sud, La Roche-sur-yon, France
Le Marche de Leopold
Health Store
85 avenue Aliénor d'Aquitaine, La Roche-sur-yon, France
It is advised to call before you visit any of the above listings in this restaurant directory to be sure of their open hours, etc.
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