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28 Oct 2019

Honey is not vegan

Just a heads up that Nutritious You considers honey to be vegan. So if you are a vegan, you will want to make sure no honey is being used in anything you purchase here. This is not me bashing or trying to hurt the business. But I don't want any vegans or well-meaning people making purchases for vegans to be misled.

From the Nutritious You Facebook page: #supportbees You can call the Sarasota’s Honey Company VEGAN! And we don’t mean their honey comes from Agave syrup… The Company’s team only gathers their honey from the bees when two requirements are met:
• 🐝 It is the start of the new pollination season and the bees have left for pollen collection
• 🐝 The hives are completely full and there is no room for new honey collection to develop
Benefits for All:
• 🌸Sarasota Honey Company’s beehives are located all over the #Sarasota and #Manasota counties in residential communities, so this honey is as local as it gets! #supportlocal
• 🌼It’s #RAW which means unpasteurized. So no precious nutrients were lost in the process. #nutritious
• 🌺It helps with #allergies known for the area. And as you know (to benefit from honey) you have to buy it from the local pollinating areas. #allergysolutions
• 🌹Paradise for bees. More demand=> more beehives => more bees populations = more cross-pollination. It’s that simple. Lets create more bees! #bees #🐝
An interesting fact:
Did you know that #Monoculture (big scale production of one crop only) is super-harmful for bees and #ecosystems in general. For instance, as #AlmondMilk is becoming more mainstream the demand is growing and production is scaling up. The bees then get stuck in just one flower patch of one crop, this leads to bees having malnutrition, increased stress, and stagnation. #supportbeefarmers #honey #holisticfood #localbusiness #nutritiousyoushop #veganshop #organicfood #beethechange @ Nutritious You

Cons: Honey is not vegan