1 Filtered Review of Wickford Health Store

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Points +13

06 May 2020


The profiteering greed was staggering; £20.99 for a pair of cheap masks, one of which was clearly out of a box of 100 or something as it had been repacked in a resealable sandwich bag! They clearly made more than £20 on this £21 sale - outrageous. I was so keen to get my daughter and myself out of there and back home, safe, I just taped my debit card without double checking the amount, which I accidentally read on the till as £2.99, not £20.99. In former times I would have returned for a refund, but I don’t want to make unnecessary trips. Thought I would use happycow to warn others, though.

Pros: Friendly staff

Cons: Staff, ironically, not wearing PPE


11 Aug 2020

We had never sold masks for the price that you have mentioned in your review.