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18 Photos
products to try out (@theplantsolution)
snack bars for a smaller price (@theplantsolution)
snackbars to try out (@lifefood), most of them are only sweetened with…
special things to buy (@theplantsolution)
spices (@wunderwürze)
sweets to try (@vegablum)
snack bars (@firegy, from hungary)
ready-to-mix pancakes and waffles to try or to buy (@reoat)
informational exhibition about (fair trade) cacao (@ichwillfair)...
... there was also a quiz & if you had all answers correct, you won a …
vegan foie gras (@legrandbluff, from france)
shirts with veg messages (@veganymous)
stickers & stuff (love them!!)
seeds & books about veggies
socks made out of recycled bottles
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