2 Filtered Reviews of Vbb House

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Points +56

14 Oct 2021


'' Copy my homework but do not make it too obvious '' is the perfect way to describe VBB as it is a copy but downgraded paste of VJFB (veganjunkfoodbar.com). I do not feel like supporting a stolen idea and will not visit this restaurant. If you do not see the similarities in the menu layout, the colored buns, the menu choices + names, the font logo and even the high prices.. I don't know what will. I am always down to try out new restaurants but this time... I will pass and visit VJFB in NL or Spain instead.

Pros: VJFB is better

Cons: stolen idea , nothing original , to avoid


Points +1517

14 Nov 2023

Doesn't really exist as a restaurant

Couldn't find it. At the address was a restaurant called VBB, not Vegan Focaccia.

Only found out through the comments below that it's part of a bigger restaurant. Also apparently only ordering online. So, very inconvenient for travellers 😉

Updated from previous review on 2023-11-14