2 Filtered Reviews of SF Kebab

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Points +16

18 Mar 2021

They are scammers

Attention please
I just want let people know how those brother are swindler they Workers and Friends
I am one of the hundreds of victims
And I believe there is many of people like want to share , how they got ripped of by those brothers ( Baver & Amin)
- [x] Probably they are worried because they will be threaten by Those Frauds,like me
Just because ,we were on immigration status and, they know our weakness and they use us as a Slaves
I just wanna ask everyone
Please share how you guys been ripped by
Baver & Amin brother

If we keep silent, tomorrow will do another
Like they did us

They will destroy someone else's benefits, they will hurt their hopes ,
We all keep quiet because
some of us undocumented
Some of us doesn’t know where to go
Some of us doesn’t speak English
But they never ending
They keep doing and doing
Just because
we were silent
We were scared
But time to wake up and defend ourself against those dangerous people .
Hopefully someone can hear my voice and be part of my story,
and share they ripped stories
We all have to be one hand and take them to court,
How many people gonna be ripped by them ?

Baver ve Amin Kardesler
Ben ve yuzlerce mahsum insanin emegini , umudunu, alinterini, yiyip yiyip doymayanlardanlar
Insanlarin duygusuyla oynayip, kandiriyorlar
Kimisinin parasini yiyorlar
Kimsini bedava calistirip parasini odemiyorlar
Herkes biliyor ama kimse konusmuyor,
Ozelikle yeni gelenleri kafase dusuruyorlar
Bende onlardan biriydim,
Beni calistirip parami vermediler
Hakkim haram olsun onlara ve cocuklarina
Ama biz sustukca onlar daha da yapcaklar
Lutfen sizde yazin buraya
Artik bu nitelikci dolandiricilara dur dememiz lazim
Daha kac kisi bizim gibi dolandirilacak
Daha kac kisinin umudunu yakacalar
Korkmayin lutfen arkadaslar
Sizde yazin paylasin
Birlik olalim mahkemeye verelim
Bizim susmamiz onlarin isine geliyor


Points +16

06 Apr 2021

Owner scammers

I think we need more attention to Yelp
Because there was more information about this place
Firstly The Meat is NOT HALAL at all
I heard from one of old Cook ,
They are cheating religious people
Secondly, The owners are scammers, they are brothers, they use workers as a slaves , specially they hire undocumented people for job
Because they know ,they can’t fight back If they been kick out after using as a slaves,
Some of employees are didn’t get any money after they been using and working hard for free,
As a Turkish people We heard so many bad things about owners,
They keep deleting This kind of reviews
Don’t know how ,but we will keep writing until the end,
Yani Kisacasi Bu Duzen Degisecektir elbet bugun elbet Yarin,
Garibanin , yetimin, caresizlerin sirti uzerinden gecinemezsiniz artik, kendinizi iyi gosterip, insanlarin en ince zaafindan yararlanamaziniz,
Umarim cocuklariniz, aileneniz bunlari görüp,
Sizden utanirlar, her ikinize de bu söylediklerimiz gecerlidir.
Artik insanlari Kandirmayin, Dolandirmayin ,
Parasini, emegini yemeyin Garibanin,
Allah belanizi versin
Lutfen okuyun paylasin
Please share!!