4 Filtered Reviews of Ravens' Restaurant

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Points +145

26 May 2017

What am I missing here?

I stayed at Stanford Inn recently with my omni in-laws (husband and I are vegan) and was excited to bring them to Raven's. What a disappointment. This is seriously bland vegan food and would NEVER convince an omni. We ate there several times, as it was the only vegan place in the area, and aside from a few delicious dishes, it was pretty lackluster and WAY too expensive.

Altogether, if you're a vegan and don't feel like cooking, it's fine. The atmosphere is nice and the service is prompt. But if you want some standout vegan food, look elsewhere (or cook it yourself like I do). I wouldn't recommend bringing omni family/friends here as it is exactly the kind of vegan food that turns people off of the lifestyle in my opinion - dull, lacking, and not overly satiating.

Recommend: the bbq tofu, the creme brulee, sliders

Do not recommend: thai curry, most breakfast dishes, the tacos, the lasagna or whatever it was supposed to be

Pros: Nice atmosphere, Fairly diverse menu

Cons: Way too expensive, Dull, uninspired food


Points +82

10 Aug 2019

Expensive and flavorless

It cost 8 dollars for an orange juice. EIGHT DOLLARS and it was the smallest cup of oj ever. The benedict was rather flavorless. For the price paid, it should be a way better experience.


Points +22

22 Dec 2019

Completely under-whelmed by my experience. Restaurant was empty, staff was dull.

The food looked promising, but I had to put salt/pepper on everything and $15 slice of cake was stale and terrible.


Points +25

01 Jan 2020


What a disappointment. We've eaten at Raven's before and found it an OK but not great restaurant. But this last experience (12/30/2019) was exceptionally disappointing. We're always anxious to support vegan establishments and even enjoy an occasional splurge. But $27 for a plate of cold so-so tasting polenta with old mushrooms was a bit beyond our range of support. The waitress was nice and making an effort but it appeared that she was the only waitress for the evening. Given that, it took a long time to get our meal (I'm guessing on the order of a half an hour) and you'd think with that much time that they could at least work out how to nuke the preprepared meals. We always look forward to hanging out in Mendocino and finishing it off with dinner at Ravens but I guess we'll have to find our pleasures elsewhere.