3 Filtered Reviews of Marvelous Vegan Plant Power Food
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What a joke
It automatically gets 2 star for being vegan... but what. A. Joke!
We have been in bogota 8 days and tonight was our 3rd attempt to try this restaurant. We tried 2:30pm last week on Friday... completely shut up to the point you wouldn't know there was a restaurant (we asked local shops nearby)
Again we tried Wednesday evening at 7:30... the chef hears us asking about pizza and shook his head, the waitress said they would definitely be serving 4pm-9pm the other nights and apologized. So we try again next Friday 7pm. No one around so we shout out hello... the waitress comes out and again... no pizza. Ok, that's our 3rd try so we let her know simply it's a disappointment. So we start walking on and the chef follows us down the street... saying we can get pizza, we said no thankyou (over the disappointment and walking out that way) and strangley enough, everytime we turn around he is staring us out from his restaurant... trying to intimate? Check Google reviews it says they are a couple always fighting and he is the rudest
Updated from previous review on 2023-12-16
Pros: Nothing
Cons: Rudest chef (and we both work in hospitality), I wish I checked Google reviews about this place
We would like what you have just said to be true. The opening hours of our restaurant are updated whenever we are forced to do so. On Wednesday night you were offered all the dishes and desserts available and yes, unfortunately we did not have pizza due to the demand for it however we told you that the next day we would set aside pizza for you. At no time did you have to shout to be served when you came on Friday night and if your way of "simply letting us know you are a disappointment" is to be completely vulgar then what a horrible, arrogant and immature attitude you had sir. If you think that because you are a tourist in a Latin American city you have the right to be rude to people providing a service you are wrong. And as the chef who is the owner of the restaurant let you know: you have to respect people, in this case the waitress who you thought was alone and that is why you acted arrogantly. You failed to add that when the owner approached you on the street, your attitude was mocking and defiant as if he was going to pick a fight with you. You also omitted that in the distance as the owners watched you leave, you continued to use obscene language with your hands as if you were a small child. In your "hospitality job" you need to learn a little humility and kindness, don't you?
Most regrettably of all, the pizza dough was growing to keep offering more and would only have taken 25 minutes to be ready but you even let the waitress speak? No, you were pedantic and shut her up immediately.
We do not tolerate any arrogant treatment of our team. Good day.
Oh sir, we have met many wonderful people in this country as tourists. Your waitress simply said there was no pizza (nothing else, not we will have one ready etc) and we gave the sigh of disappointment as it was pur 3rd attempt. If you can't take a customers disappointment.. don't follow your customers down the street and then stand staring with your chest puffed put.
Good luck with your business
You are talking to the waitress who is also the owner, the person whom the gentleman who does not have the slightest decency to properly express his disappointment insulted with his immature and arrogant manner. If you immediately shut up a person who is talking, how do you expect him to tell you that in 25 minutes the pizza will be available again? Please be honest and tell the truth. We will be happy to show you via CCTV how out of place this man was, how arrogant and rude he knows he was with a single gesture at our entrance and then up the street doing .l., pretending to get the chef back to fight? We need not omit or alter information, we were never disrespectful to you.
Of course we take every complaint or suggestion in the best way to improve as long as it is based on respect, however this was not the case so don't pretend that we are going to allow you to be rude to our team and that they are going to keep quiet. Yes, we should have ignored their disrespectful attitude from the beginning to avoid them victimising themselves and trying to make us look like we were the rude ones when it was the man who didn't know how to behave.
What an ugly thing to happen.
Good luck to you.
Is this placed closed?
Very bad experience.
Good luck if you want to eat here.
I visited four days in a row—multiple times a day (morning, noon, and evening)— and every time they were CLOSED! It’s not even clear when they are open and where the store is when you arrive.
I really was looking forward to this place, but alas they don’t respect their customers enough to update their hours or post them to their door.
Points +18
El peor restaurante vegano en el centro de Bogotá - Edit
El restaurante nunca está abierto en los horarios que dice estarlo, y cuando lo está, no dejan entrar a las personas pues "se reservan su derecho a admisión", además siempre están las vitrinas vacías, sin nada que ofrecer. La verdad es una pérdida de tiempo siquiera acercarse al lugar.
Read moreUpdated from previous review on 2023-08-27
Cons: Nunca está abierto , Cuando está abierto no hay servicio, No tienen comida
WOW. Increíble que una persona a quién considerabamos "amiga", quien compartió tiempo hasta altas horas de la noche con los propietarios dentro del establecimiento, a quien NUNCA le negamos el ingreso y siempre se le trató con aprecio y quién en más de una ocasión pedía comida fiada la cuál se demoraba más de un mes en pagar (nunca se te estuvo cobrando nada) venga con un comentario tan desagradable, fútil y fuera de lugar solo porque te comunicaste el domingo preguntando si teníamos servicio y yo te dije que no, lo gracioso es que sin embargo si abrimos y desde por la mañana se ajustó el horario en Google desde las 3:30 pm hasta las 8 pm. Menos mal te dije que ese día no abría servicio. Que grotesco hubiera sido atender a una persona tan hipócrita como tú. Discúlpanos por querer descansar!!! Cuando trabajamos solo 2 personas 7 días a la semana. Que gracioso que digas que las vitrinas siempre están vacías. Cuando nos sacabas comida fiada esta era invisible?. Perdida de tiempo que alguien te considere su amigx Raquel, 5 estrellas para tu falsedad c: Y ya que nos considera el peor restaurante en el centro de Bogotá por favor, le agradecemos jamás vuelva a acercarse a nuestro espacio.
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