2 Filtered Reviews of Jo's Organic Stores

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Points +13

08 Jul 2016


I love and hate this shop in equal measures. The reason being is that whilst it is marvellous to have an organic shop in Penarth that has a pretty good range of things, I find it increasingly annoying that the owner or staff don't check sell buy dates on their goods. I've yet to go in there and not find a huge number of things out of date.

As a customer I do not feel I should have to automatically check the sell by date on everything I purchase. Many of the things in the shop are very very out of date not jut days. I feel this is a massively important problem that they are not addressing as it has been like this for years.

Pros: good range of products, the vegetables often look old

Cons: too many out of date products on display, expensive


06 Jun 2017

Hi Joolzzz, just moved to Penarth and thinking of going to the shop as I am a vegan and I've been told it's a good place to go. Have you been there since writing this review?


Points +15

21 Mar 2021

Conspiracy-driven cobblers

Shop supplies look okay from the doorway, but the swathes of anti-covid, anti-mask, conspiracy rubbish splattered across both windows meant I didn't go in. Ridiculous display of ignorance during a pandemic.


11 Sep 2021

Snap - not long moved to the area and would have frequented this shop, but I'll exercise my discretion and go elsewhere.


22 Sep 2021

Me three - there’s always some ill understood semi idea in the window that makes me shake my head at the ignorance. A shame because it would be so convenient otherwise.