5 Filtered Reviews of GlutenFreeX
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Exploitation of workers and unpaid salaries
//English and Slovak bellow
GlutenFreeX steht in Verbindung mit der Bäckerin Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, die für die Ausbeutung von Arbeitern, Nichtzahlung von Löhnen und falsche Anschuldigungen gegen diejenigen, die sich solchen Praktiken widersetzen, verantwortlich ist. Es scheint, dass Ihr Verständnis von Veganismus nicht im Einklang mit dem Kampf gegen die Ausbeutung aller steht. Ich werde Ihre Konditorei nicht empfehlen.
GlutenFreeX is associated with baker Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, who responsible for the exploitation of workers, non-payment of wages and false accusations against those who oppose such practices. It seems that your understanding of veganism is not in line with the fight against the exploitation of all. I will not recommend your pastry shop.
GlutenFreeX je spájaný s pekárkou Katarínou Podhorovou/VegaNana, ktorá je zodpovedná za vykorisťovanie pracovníkov, nevyplácanie miezd a krivé obvinenia tých, ktorí sú proti takýmto praktikám. Zdá sa, že tvoje chápanie vegánstva nie je v súlade s bojom proti vykorisťovaniu všetkých. Vašu cukráreň neodporúčam.
Updated from previous review on 2024-10-30
association with veganana - Bratislava based bakery which owes unpaid wages to their former workers
To be avoided - anti-human ethics, they support workers exploitation
One would expect that a vegan place would live up to some ethical standards. In this case, the management of the company obviously cares only about their profit. There are reports online that they sell cakes from baker Katarina Podhorova from Slovakia who has not paid wages to former employees (debt amounts to over 17 000 euros!). GlutenFreeX know this and still choose to defend the baker and defame protesters. Avoiding exploitation of all living creatures is obviously not a cause for these businessmen. Also, if you check google reviews, there is an indication that they sell gluten contaminated cakes.
Disgusting stuff
I find it pretty disgusting to see how this business is associated with human exploitation. This is absolutely not compatible with any reasonable vegan values whatsoever.
Points +16
Ethical Concerns - Edit
I am a vegan because of ethical reasons. This means I also avoid goods and services involved in exploitation as much as possible. GlutenFreeX is associated with Ms Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana and this person was notorious in Bratislava for not paying workers and trying to get away with it by doing business elsewhere. In addition to not paying, she then decided to make false accusations against the workers. This is unacceptable and we shouldn't support establishments which are associated with this type of exploitation.
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