• El Mosset del Cabanyal

  • (2)
  • White Veg-options

Serves meat, vegan options available. Take-out restaurant offering a daily menu with a few vegan items that may include paella, mushroom croquettes, desserts and more. Open Thu-Sun 12:00-16:00.

Venue map for El Mosset del Cabanyal
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2 Reviews

First Review by edancechic


Points +1633

25 Jan 2024

Bon menjar i bona gent!

El Mosset del Cabanyal és un petit local familiar de menjar casolà per emportar on cuinen i atenen amb molt d'amor. Vam encarregar una paella vegana per a dues persones que ens van fer amb diferents verduretes triades per nosaltres que estava deliciosa, també vam demanar quatre croquetes boníssimes (dues de sobrassada vegana i dues de bolets), i un tall de pastís vegà que estava brutal! Recomanem moltíssim aquest lloc encantador! Llàstima que vivim a Tarragona, que sinó hi aniríem ben sovint.

Pros: Tot boníssim , L'atenció tan propera i amable


Points +19

14 Dec 2023

My favorite food in Valencia

This takeout place was my favorite restaurant in Valencia (Happy Cow won't let me give it 5 stars b/c it isn't exclusively veg). Their menu changes daily but has lots of vegan options (I'd estimate that there were about 8 dishes each day and that about 5 of those were vegan, plus one or two vegan desserts) and the three dishes I tried were all soooo delicious. I came across them when googling where to find vegan paella in Valencia, which they had both times I went. I also had mushroom croquettes one of the times and a dish that had avocado, tomatoes, corn, black sesame, and some other things. The woman behind the counter was super nice and very patient with my rudimentary Spanish. She was also quite knowledgeable about any allergens. She said that she doesn't speak much English but that the chef speaks English and can help if needed.

Updated from previous review on 2023-12-14

Pros: Soooo delicous, Super nice, Knowledgeable about vegan options, allergens, etc

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