3 Filtered Reviews of Deer Mama

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Points +56

07 Apr 2019

Unfriendly owner

The interior is nice and trendy, but that is about it. The owner only cares about money, instead of veganism and sustainabilty. I’ve also seen negative comments on social media being deleted, because apparantly she is not interested in feedback from customers. If you’d like a burger, you better go to the Vegan Junkfoodbar in the neighborhood. If you like nourishing vegan food, Mooshka is also nearby.


Points +13

14 Oct 2019

Food is good, working there is bad

Unfortunately I don't have any other choice to come here and expose the situation in front of everyone.
At Deer Mama the food is good. Where the problems starts is when you start working for them.

Earlier this year I’ve got fired by owner Laura, after closing the store earlier one day, in a unacceptable way. On the phone using words like : “go [censored] yourself” and “[censored] you”.
At that time, I’ve already gave my resignation due to fails in the company (those I don’t want to mention here at this moment). So leaving the company earlier was fine for me and for Deer Mama.
The only thing what had to be done before our ways would separate is the end of contract payment (non-taken holidays, worked hours and holiday money).

Well, after three months they still didn’t pay me. I’ve sent Laura e-mails and multiple letters (following the Dutch law procedure), she is just completely ignoring me and my legal payment request.
Now I am forced to take a lawyer and pursue Deer Mama to get my money. Leaving a company and trying to move on isn’t possible for three months now, because I have to fight against someone who knows exactly she should have pay me. And is just trying to make it harder and more difficult for me.

So yes, I would recommend you to have a nice burger or lovely cake from the pastry chef. But think twice before you apply to work for them. I’m sure you wouldn’t like to be treaten like they will treat you. Let you work for weeks or months without a proper contract. Don’t pay you when they have to. And let you fight for money that belongs to you.


Points +3876

12 May 2023

Closed down for good

They are no longer in business.