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32 Photos
Falafel dish. 18 bolivianos
Vegan pizza. 20 bolivianos
Local beer based on sugar cane. Quite sweet and strong at 10,5%. 20 bo…
Quinoa main dish
Deliciosisimo! El pan casero es muy gustoso y uno puede servirse jugui…
Outside entrance. The restaurant is located on the second floor of the…
Front of the restaurant. Located on the second floor of Galería Paladi…
Menu as of November 2022
Entrée- au 2 eme étage du centre commercial paladium
Menu desserts/gâteau
Menu repas
Café au lait de coco
Falafel vegan (a emporter)
Soyrizo burger
Tacos lotados!
Hambúrguer de quinoa!
Lentil burger with fries
Vegan choripan
Falafel saladd
Empanada de carne de soya
Pizza de pepperoni 😋
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