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243 Photos
Urban orchard
Iced tea
Grilled caprese sandwich
Menu I
Menu II
Brioche french toast
Baba toast and dirty chai
Avocado toast and crispy burger
Torrada d'alvocat + Sándwich Capresse + suc de taronja
Torrada d'Alvocat
Sándwich Capresse
Café amb llet + americà+ Suc de taronja
Cold brew and a ghost
Truffle grilled sandwich
Fruit pancakes
Chocolate pancakes
Avo toast
Chocolate filled croissant🤍🤍🤍
Chocolate pancakes and Avo toast
Bikini de queso, setas y trufa, y de mozza vegana con tomate y pesto
Cruasán y zumo de naranja
Iced Latte with Oat milk
Spanish Shakshukha...with scrambled tofu
View out from the restaurant to the courtyard full of herbs
The courtyard and large doors leading from the restaurant
Burned toasts (mozzarella / truffle) and botanic potatoes - literally …
Bravas were amazing the first time. The pancakes and the toast as well…
Chocolate mousse filled croissant
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