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86 Photos
Falafel z kaszą i surówkami
Kotlet, with mushroom sauce, 15 zloty It was delicious, not too spicy…
Wrap Arabski... Dość rozłożysty.. nie da się wziąć w rękę i zjeść. W ś…
Don't order this!
Burger and Spinach pierogi
Fastburger and Beetroot kotlet
'Grass' from inside
Beetroot, mash and veg
Italian style pierogis and a big fat burger on fresh bread :)
I took a photo of their menu, so you can translate the polish food nam…
It's a nice and calm place with a great view of the mountains
I hope it is easier to read
Gnochhi like dumplings with mushroom and tomato sauces
Beetroot and sage cutlets with mushroom sauce, groats and salad.
Menu (Polish only. Green symbol denotes vegan).
Mountain Bar Zakopane
beet cutlet and spinach pierogi
menu sep 2018
Sopa de verduras, gyozas de lentejas y falafel wrap.
Carta 26 Enero 2019
Pierogi for all
Ceny w górę, a wybór mniejszy :/
Zupa pomidorowa. 7zl i ciepła. To jedyne jej zalety. Bardzo kleista w …
Beet root with buckwheat and mushroom sauce
With tomato sauce
kluski śląskie in mushroom gravy
pierogi with spinach and spicy topping
Lentil pierogi
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