Sweet Berries Love

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    Chop, or grind all the dry seeds, seaweed, nuts and berries.
    You are looking to make a chunky clay like material, using the Maple syrup, for wetness, however don't add too much - a little goes a long way.
    When your clay is done, roll it out, half a fingers thickness, on a baking sheet.
    Bake in a preheated 380 warm oven, until it’s golden and crispy.
    Bake the black berries with a bit of maple syrup as well, while you bake the crispy sweet snack, in the oven.
    Serve, and enjoy!


    Quantities depend on how much you want of each ingredient. You can make a pie size dessert or a small dish.

    Sunflower seeds
    Pumpkin seeds.
    Any nuts you like.
    Any dried fruit you like.
    Sesame seeds.
    Maple syrup.
    Little seaweed for salt.
    Black berries.

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    30 min.

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      Sweet Berries Love

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