Jackdelemarre's profile

I’m Jay, and I like to walk around and be a nomad n stuff. I’m trying to learn things and the more I learn the more I realise that I don't really know anything. I’ve been vagabonding across the land I was born in, Turtle Island, officially known as ‘Canada’, for the last 18 months, and now I’m passing through México on a hitchhiking mission down to America Central. I would describe myself as an open-minded, empathetic and introspective person, who likes forests, philosophy, bushcraft, languages, meditation, gymnastics, moving quickly on various types of boards, chess, contact staff, writing, astronomy, agroforestry, martial arts and making music. More recently, cooking vegan food and watercolour painting; I suck at both tho... Don’t really know where I’m going, but I do know I want to learn how to live in the forest, sail between continents, travel the world by bike, meditate for a really long time, learn the accordion, a bunch of languages and martial arts, do a standing backflip, write a book, maybe a script, fight for climate & animal justice, meet a cat and/or raven that will travel on my shoulder, live with various indigenous peoples, and grow an edible forest garden.
Active 2 mos ago
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