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Thanks for your reply :) My friend ordered a banana flower salad and it contained "gio chay" which is a kind of mock meat. :) (See photos that I had uploaded here) so this means I didn't invent that fact. And I wonder if you can show us the seasonings or sauces (such as soy sauces, chili sauces, etc) that your staffs use in the kitchen ? Maybe you should notice if these products have E621 (monosodium glutamate) in the ingredients info. ;) (Otherwise typical vietnamese vegan sausage (Gio Chay) contains MSG. FYI.) Well thanks for your reply anyway. I did see mockmeat in the dishes that we ordered so that's why I posted my comment about msg and stuff. But please don't mind, almost veg restaurants in Vietnam use msg as flavor enhancer for their foods. :) However, I appreciated your warm welcome at your restaurant. :)

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