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Yesterday we had an incident in our place, it was the first day of work from a new waitress, everything seems to be normal, we love hire people from overseas and pitch in for their trip, it is the first time we deal with a situation like this, she asked if we could give her an extra plate of food for her partner, who did not work In our business, we accepted the offer in good faith, when the time came the boy arrived and took the menu and ordered a plate from the menu, the place was full of people, we kindly explained that every day food is prepared for the staff and we all eat the same even the owners, after the explained reaction of this guy was to attack the person in charge arguing that we paid him very little, which is not true, our salaries are based on competition and is above the minimum salary national territory, may be they believe it is a low wage because they come from Europe and i asume that wages are higher there, sadly he did not understood the cultural and economic difference and threaten us to make bad publicity of our business. the reaction of the supervisor was to tell them to please leave but before that he paid the day of work to the girl. This is our first incident with a worker, and it was not with the worker, it was with her boyfriend, and now I get the surprise that they made 2 comments with the minimum score, it is noted that the intention is to discredit the business, BOTH PEOPLE NEVER EVEN ATE AT THE PLACE. This is a very new place, we have no more than five months in the market, and you understand that it is a great effort to maintain our reputation and it is not fair that a person with bad intentions and no ethics harm us. Usually when you recieve a free meal you are greatfull, this crearly was not the case.