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Hi there, such harsh words to begin with, I think you should get your facts straight before ranting in a disrespectful and unfair way towards our team that’s been working so hard over here, no one involved with our business is Lazy, that’s why the reviews are 99% Five Stars, they are an outcome of very hard work. We are fully aware that it’s impossible to please everyone, that’s how it is… About the pricing, well, we’re still trying to keep it as low as we can considering the ingredients and products we use being way more expensive than animal products that are unfortunately subsidized by the government making it more affordable. The other very important fact you should know is that we care about our staff and try to pay them a wage above the average comparing to other businesses around. The system here in Sweden makes it very hard to small businesses to succeed, all the taxes and fees are very high, and there’s so many other costs involved. To have a fully vegan place is even harder, it’s really a labor of love that requires a lot of struggle to keep it alive. I guarantee you that Ridiculous is exploiting animals and other human beings, ridiculous is making choices that contribute to the destruction of our planet, not the size of our portion or the pricing of it. You got to see the bigger picture. About the crisps as a side to our burgers, the one you called us lazy for. It’s simply because we don’t have a license to have a deep fryer in our kitchen. It’s also clearly on the menu that we’re not serving fries with the burgers but you chose to order it anyway. If you want to choose and encourage people to try other places as you mentioned, business that have vegan options but make their profits on animal products or/and not paying a fair wage to their workers, it’s your call. It’s a free market out there… We proudly operate against the grain and chose to do it this way to have our conscious clean from suffering, harm and exploitation towards animals, our planet and our staff. Thanks for your review.

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