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Hi Francesco, Whether your special had blackcurrant or blackberry on it, I personally didn’t want it with beetroot. Nor did I want a burger or salad for breakfast. It is great you are making an effort to serve vegan clientele, however I am not going to eat something I do not like purely because it is vegan, as i guess you would not buy a beef burger for breakfast or other ingredients you don’t enjoy? At the time we visited there was no vegan breakfast on the menu, glad to hear you have added one. In the UK it is normal to eat granola with milk (it is a cereal), it did not strike me as an unusual request, you had the ingredients there, unfortunately your staff member made the situation incredibly awkward by standing over me, loudly telling me what I must eat. My husband and I were out for a quiet breakfast and were embarrassed by this unnecessary behaviour which resulted in every customer looking over. May I also suggest, if you are keen for customers to eat the granola with yoghurt, simply buy Alpro yoghurt, it is dairy free, anyone can eat it. After reading your reply to this review , I understand why your staff think it is acceptable to be rude to customers. Everyone is wholly entitled to leave an honest review on this platform, which I have based on my experience and food preferences. To state false facts, I would have given your 5 stars and said I enjoyed the experience, I did not. You are entitled to disagree, but I would encourage you to reflect on honest criticism if you wish to grow as a person and a business. I would also suggest inviting a trainer on good customer service into your business. Wishing you a lovely day and good luck with your business.

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