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Hi Elle. I'm sorry you feel so strongly on this issue, that it's made you feel devisive about our cafe. We openly cater to a large variety of dietary requirements and choose to serve Lenah Game Meats which we believe are the most sustainable choice of local meat. We choose our suppliers very carefully, especially when it comes to meat and animal products. Lenah Game Meats serves meat from what would otherwise be culled from farms and wasted to landfill, which we do understand is not supported by all, but we see it as a more sustainable choice, in a cafe that does openly serve meat. We do serve alot of vegan dishes too, which also feature local, ethically farmed produce and products from small artisan suppliers. We care alot obout the food on our plates, where it came from and how it was farmed. We try our best to please customers from all walks of life and belief systems, so it is upsetting to receive such negative feedback. We hope that you can understand our point of view too. Warmest regards, Laura (the owner)

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