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There's many approaches to handling social situations and invitations to sit in the presence of animal abuse. I default to honesty, which for me is to explain: I refuse to dine with any person or restaurant that serves animal abuse products for a litany of reasons, it's my personal boundary and I am happy to explain and even treat anyone who wishes to join me at a fully plant-based business. It's a great way to start a conversation on the subject. If honesty is not appropriate for time or practical necessity, I may say, I'm not hungry, I'm fasting, I've already plans, on medication, etc. Largely, the hardest step is to really imagine what seeing yourself dining in a restaurant with those who refuse to eat plant-based meals would be like from the mother of the dead animal's perspective. Why is it okay to sit in the presence of someone eating my dead baby? Why aren't you angry, repulsed, disgusted, boycotting or preventing this unjust and unnecessary event which is happening simply for entertainment? The next step is to measure if you have the courage to stand up for your beliefs and weigh that against how uncomfortable the social fall-out against defending bodily autonomy for animals would be and deciding which is more valuable to you. Many people do not eat plant based simply from cowardice alone and the fear of social ostracism. This can be a cripple force for many that takes a lot of guts to overcome. This is a very valid and real demotivating anxiety. Some people simply do not have the nerve to stand up to the majority of society to defend their beliefs against those hostile to them. As always, the best approach is empathy and kindness and and being sympathetic even towards the enemies of your beliefs and those who willfully order violence against those for whom you wish salvation.

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