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Let’s put this in the right perspective: if I am the only one or the minority who gave a 3* rating and the majority gave higher ratings then it’s probably just my personal preference for the taste. There is no need for them to make any drastic change just for me as it was not a disastrous dining - the universe does not revolve around me. But if many customers give them 3* or lower then it may be wise for them to reach out to their customers (esp the regulars) to find out what needs to be improved. The tastebuds of one person should not be the turning point for the restaurant to make major changes. As I have said I gave it 3* (not high & neither low) in view of the standard of Chinese food based on my personal preference & tastebuds. Let’s leave it as it is…I was there as a visitor to London so I don’t think I will be back at the restaurant anytime soon.

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