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Dear Kelly, How are you? Did you know that smoking nicotine causes brain defects? Not only has it been proven by the deaths of innocent animals who test and die from these cancerous, deathly poisons but humans have died too from them. From the get go this tour was doomed! The stress started when Both you and your husband were one hour late at the airport, hadn’t even checked in to get your travel permits, had to do it on the run to the carousel for take off. Cigarettes 🚬 out on landing in beautiful Tasmania, you couldn’t even refrain for one weekend not to smoke commercial brand animal tested cigarettes. That’s why I said you were morons!! **** me, I couldn’t believe the amount of selfishness on that tour - all of you except Tricky were arseholes!!!! From the bitch who went out and ate dead fish on the first night there to the ungrateful ***** who went out for dinner and then returned to party on downstairs while a very sick Tricky and a very distressed Me tried to sleep! Get ****** you useless piece of garbage.

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