Travel/ Veganism

Will Travel For Vegan Food – New Kickstarter Project!

Hi Everyone! My name is Kristin and I am a vegan food and travel enthusiast!

will travel for vegan food

I recently came on board with HappyCow and will be blogging regularly regarding my adventure: Will Travel For Vegan Food! I’ll be on the road for one full year in an effort to eat at all of the 100% percent vegan restaurants in the US. HappyCow has kindly teamed up with me to ensure that it’ll be a little easier finding all of these amazing restaurants. I’ll also be blogging along the way, talking to other vegan business owners and volunteering at farm sanctuaries and other animal rescues as well.

In the meantime, I wanted to introduce myself and tell you about my new Kickstarter project, designed to raise funds for this crazy trip! 🙂 Please check out the video at the link below and if it looks like something you can get behind, or if you know of others who might like to support this endeavor, please so and please help to spread the word.


If you have any questions I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below!! 🙂

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  • Reply
    VeganSally (6 comments)
    September 10, 2011 at 6:03 pm

    Love your video & campaign!

    but…. I think when some ppl see “wtfveganfood” they’ll think ‘wtf’ stands for ‘what the f*uck’. So I kinda cringed when I saw you were giving out ‘wtf vegan food’ bumper stickers. Maybe “Wt4 vegan food” would be better.

  • Reply
    wtfveganfood (3 comments)
    September 10, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    Hi Sally!

    I went with “wtf” precisely to raise a few eyebrows and get folks talking. 🙂 Hehe.. I suppose it’s working. But I like the idea of having an option for people, either “wtf” or “wt4” … thanks so much!


  • Reply
    fawnM (2 comments)
    September 15, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Awesome idea! How I wish I could do the same thing too. 🙂 BTW, the word “wtfveganfood” sounds negative but it could actually catch someone’s attention. Unique.

  • Reply
    WaterfallVillas (1 comments)
    September 23, 2011 at 8:26 am

    Hello! When are you going to visit Costa Rica? Please let us know – I am the chef at the Waterfall Villas, and I would love to host a visit so that you can tell the world about the vegan food and raw foods we are serving here! Much love, Fateh

  • Reply
    wtfveganfood (3 comments)
    September 23, 2011 at 9:16 am

    Hi Fateh,

    Oh goodness, I’m not sure when we’ll get to Costa Rica!! But I sure do hope we’ll be there!! Especially with such a kind offer as yours. 🙂 .. could you do me a favor and email me at kristin @ so that I can be sure to keep your contact info on hand should we go to Costa Rica?

    Thanks so much!! 🙂

  • Reply
    stacypatel (1 comments)
    September 25, 2011 at 11:07 am

    This is sooo awesome! We are a family of 4 traveling around Europe for a year and we are vegan and checking out the vegan restaurants all over as well. We are in Croatia right now, and we have found 1 vegan place, woohoo! Peaceful travels and we are excited to hear about your adventures! PLEASE check out Sprig and Vine in New Hope, PA… so awesome!

  • Reply
    wtfveganfood (3 comments)
    September 27, 2011 at 8:29 am

    Hi Stacy – that sounds so cool!! Do you have a website so I can follow your journey? 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation!! 🙂 Safe travels!

    – Kristin

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