
Top 3 Myths And Facts About Vegan Protein

Vegan Protein Sources

‘Protein’ always goes hand in hand with being vegan and many myths surrounding protein intake on a vegan diet actually prevent people from adopting a plant-based lifestyle. It’s time to bust some of these myths with facts! 

Myth #1: You can’t get enough protein on a vegan diet.

Fact: The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This is entirely possible on a plant-based diet and there are many rich sources of vegan protein. The most popular ones include: tofu, lentils, beans, chickpeas, nuts, seeds, whole grains, spirulina, peanut butter, and soy milk. Even those who require more protein, such as athletes, seniors, and children, can increase their intake by consuming more of these foods.

Besides, the largest study of its kind in history showed that the average vegan actually gets 70% more protein than they need, every single day- how’s that for myth busting!

Myth #2: Vegan protein sources are not as effective as whey protein for building muscle.

Fact: Research shows that increases in muscle mass and strength are associated with protein regardless of the source. This means that the consumption of protein-rich plant foods (listed in the first point above) can be just as effective in building muscle as animal-based foods. In fact, whey protein is known to cause a host of digestive problems, while plant proteins are far gentler on the body.

If you’re still doubtful here are  19 vegan athletes (including Venus Williams, Rich Roll, and Lewis Hamilton) who swear by a plant-based diet!

Myth #3: Babies need animal protein for healthy growth.

Fact: Infants raised as vegans are perfectly healthy! According to this 2016 position paper from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “A well-planned plant-based diet can be healthful and nutritionally adequate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.”

Just by taking the right precautions and making sure to include every nutrient in your little one’s diet, it’s definitely possible to bring up your baby on a diet free of animal products. They will grow up just as healthy and strong as any omnivore.

If you’re keen to know more, here are 7 tips on raising babies on a plant-based diet.

We hope this clears up some of your doubts about plant protein! These myths are so ingrained into our social norms and beliefs that it can sometimes be hard to believe otherwise. We also addressed other common concerns around veganism in this article!

Are you curious about veganism? Veganuary is an initiative that encourages you to try vegan for January, whilst providing plenty of support! To make the journey even more exciting, check out the HappyCow app which helps you discover great vegan food near you!

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