General/ Veganism

Thinking out loud

Since entering the wonderful world of babies, I’ve become much more aware of the constant barrage of animal stereotypes.

Almost every baby book has the same pictures: happy pigs in their pens, chickens pecking contentedly in the barn, cows munching on green grass while their calves frolic nearby. Other books describe a day in the life of a zookeeper, and we see the sleepy lions, the huge elephants and the bobbing meerkats all happy to be taken care of so well. And there are countless books showing cute puppies, kittens and rabbits all delighted to be pets, kept clean and happy in suburban back gardens.

i_dont_eat_your_fingersLittlepixie loves books so I am constantly in the bookstore or shopping online, which is great! Now while it is certainly not my intention to shield her from the realities of life, I prefer to buy books which show animals being animals in their natural environments not books which normalise the concept of their captivity. Books about monsters or pirates always go down a treat too of course!

As she grows, I’m really grasping the fact that raising a vegan or vegetarian child is about so much more than just the food. As an adult, we take a lot of our perceptions for granted, she is only forming hers, what a huge responsibility for us! It is my hope that by teaching her about animals and how they live their lives in the jungles, deserts and seas, she will develop a compassion for all life which will enrich her own life and help her to understand why we choose not to eat meat or have pets, even though many of her friends will do those things.

Now more than ever before, children are being bombarded with an onslaught of “stuff”. It’s just relentless with heavily advertised junk food, chicken nuggets, happy meals, ice-cream treats, chocolate bars, Easter eggs, cream buns, birthday cakes, visits to the circus, the zoo, petting farms, the list goes on and it’s not a very veg*n list!

A tv show last year highlighted the issue of school lunches in Great Britain and the fact that most children eat shocking amounts of processed meats and cheese and very little vegetables. We have no school lunch program in Ireland which means Littlepixie will be getting a home-made lunch each day when she goes to school. I have my copy of “Vegan Lunch Box” by Jennifer McCann already waiting eagerly on the shelf!

We are often warned that Littlepixie could be teased for not eating meat, but realistically, children will always find a reason to compete and tease each other, it’s a part of growing up and learning to live in society. Choosing to feed your child meat to avoid any possible teasing is just not a good enough reason.

Honestly, I don’t know what it will be like, raising a vegan child. We’re aiming to make our lifestyle choice a positive one, not a negative one filled with “can’t haves” and “not alloweds”. Eating plant foods and respecting nature will be what Littlepixie grows up with, what she’s familiar with, we don’t use the word “vegan” at home, children are labelled enough these days without hearing more labels at home!

As with all kids, I’m sure there will be hard times as well as easy. We’ll take each experience as it comes, and talk it over with Littlepixie while sitting on the porch eating her favourite treat, be it a creamy avocado dug out with a spoon, a frozen soy yogurt on a stick or a juicy popsicle full of berries.

Now, it wouldn’t be one of my blog posts without a book recommendation, so if you’re raising a vegan child or know someone who is, have a read of “Raising vegan children in a non-vegan world” by Erin Pavlina. It goes through a lot of the day-to-day experiences you and your child may encounter on your vegan adventures, and it’s a good read for those of us new to the parenting lark!

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  • Reply
    Chia (324 comments)
    June 2, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    Hey, thanks for a great article. You touch upon several very important factors that affect children’s psyche, such as story book depictions of happy animals in captivity, mass TV advertisement targeted at impreesionable minds, and being teased for not participating in flesh meat eating, and such.

    What a challenge for parents who want to raise their children on other-than-mainstream values and ideologies!

    I look forward to reading more from you. Thanks again.

  • Reply
    halfpintpixie (7 comments)
    June 5, 2008 at 10:27 am

    thanks Chia ๐Ÿ™‚

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    duncanarmour (1 comments)
    June 15, 2008 at 10:11 am

    That’s absolutely great. If you find any realistic books, please recommend them in this blog.

    I think children need all the information (unsensationalised, and a range outside of our pet interests). They are able to make sense of whatever they are given, to help them in this world.

    With my children, when they have such a sunny farm book, are aware that most farmers are only interested in the money they can get when killing that animal. They are also aware that such people are absent-minded, rather than being “evil” of intent, probably never give consideration to any action.

    Vegans often promulgate the animals as substitute babies idea. Priding themselves on how well they care for a pet, rather than deciding not to own animals for personal pleasure.

    My older 2 children were so scared of peer group bullying, they decided to become full-on meat-eaters.

    Kind regards,

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