An easy Asian watercress soup with dates, goji and lots of ginger. This perfect combination of tender watercress leaves, red dates, carrots, ginger and a drizzle of sesame oil is very appetizing with a bowl of warm rice! Watercress is a nutrient dense vegetable with amazing health benefits. It contains high levels of disease-fighting phytochemicals. Weight for weight, watercress contains more Vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk,…
I am convinced that Mondays are collectively, the most yummy day of the week. Here is a recipe that you should make because watercress is awesome and you and I both know that you don’t eat it often because like me, you get stuck in the produce rut if kale, avocados and more kale. Pick up some watercress and give this a try. You’ll be happy you did. Simple. Tasty.…