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Health/ Travel/ Veganism

Overcoming Africa’s Flesh Fetish: How A Vegan Diet Saved My Peace Corps Service

By Just a Pack contributor Amy Benson ​I’d read before coming that meat was a big deal, had steeled myself for potential hunger, awkward encounters, wider hips. Had attempted to comfort my previously ​​pescatarian, juice-obsessed self with the idea that it would be fresh, free roaming, grass fed – that the African version of myself, steeped in pink sunsets and newly barefoot, wouldn’t mind. ​Botswana exports only two things to…

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Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Just A Pack’s Vegan Travel Tips For Prague

Having spent nearly a month in small towns of northern Italy with few vegan options aside from cheese-less pizza and pasta I was starting to feel starved for variety. So, needless to say when Michael and I decided to head to Prague and we discovered it was a paradise for traveling vegans I was thrilled…and a little confused. Wasn’t the country’s cuisine mostly made up of stewed meats, dumplings, and…

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Travel/ Veganism

iVegan—The First Vegan Market In Taiwan!

The First Vegan Market In Taiwan

At the end of 2013, the first vegan market, iVegan – Vegan Supermarket, opened in Taipei near the Wanlong (萬隆) MRT station. In addition to a wide range of specialty products, iVegan offers cheap and fresh vegetables and fruits, vegan bread, cruelty-free cleaning supplies, and pet food. You can find everything in one place. The most amazing thing is that most commodities offered only in Taiwan can only be found here. Instead…

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Animal Companions/ General/ Health/ Travel

Tips For Staying In Shape While On The Road

exercising on the road

As a nationally ranked athlete, it’s very important that I stay in shape at all times…even on vacation. That can be hard, because like most people, the point of a vacation is to do something different and get away from your everyday routine. But as long as you budget some time into your vacation for workouts, you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy other things and not get out…

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Travel/ Veganism

Vegan Vacations – Don’t Leave Home Without These Top 5 Things

Vegan Vacations - Don't Leave Home Without These Top 5 Things

Having worked as a Tour Leader in South America, central America, Europe and north Africa, I can honestly say this: All you need is less. However, there are a few invaluable items always on my checklist. If you are planning your next vegan vacation, then don’t forget to pack the following: 1. Stickers, flyers and leaflets – Support vegan businesses and promote conscious economies We all have a favorite vegan coffee…

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Animal Companions/ Animals/ Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Top Ten Things I Learned From My Dogs On My Vegan Road Trip

#10: Enjoy the journey as well as the destination. #9:  Take time out to enjoy the view. #8:  Break the rules sometimes, and sit where you are most comfortable. #7: If you don’t feel like shopping, take a nap. (Especially when mom and dad are shopping at Herbivore, Food Fight Vegan Grocery & Sweetpea Vegan Bakery). #6: Don’t worry…be happy. #5: Learn to get along, especially in close quarters in the…

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Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Just a Pack’s Vegan Travel Tips for Andalucia


Having come from Barcelona, a veritable vegan heaven, Andalucia was a bit of a culinary desert for a traveling herbivore. It’s a region in Spain well known for tapas (small plates of food) which mainly consist of pork, beef, eggs, or some other animal based product. No need to skip Andalucia though. With a bit of research and planning you won’t starve. Plus there’s always Sangria…which does have fruit in…

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Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Just a Pack’s Vegan Travel Tips for Barcelona

barcelona spain

After Paris, my Just a Pack travel companion and I jumped on a plane and headed to Barcelona, Spain. The city far exceeded my expectations for vegan dining options. In the past, and before I was vegetarian, I traveled all over Spain and what I remember is jamón, jamón, jamón. It seemed like most dishes included it or some other type of meat, seafood, or cheese. So I didn’t really…

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Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Cardiff Can’t Wait To Eat Its Greens

vegan in cardiff wales

It’s no secret that Wales is the fattest nation in the UK. Over a fifth of five year olds in Wales are overweight, whilst nearly two thirds of people in their early forties are classed overweight or obese. But, in Cardiff, there’s work afoot to turn that statistic upside down. Against a burgeoning vegan culture and spiked interest in cookery, Cardiff is on a mission to improve its health. Recently…

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Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Being Vegan In San Miguel, The Number One City In The World

Vegan in San Miguel

Beating out such gloriously romantic and famed cities as Paris and Vienna, Florence and Rome, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico was recently named the number one city in the world by the supreme travel guide Conde Nast. San Miguel deserves the acclaim with its unspoiled colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, sequestered courtyards dripping with fountains and flowers, friendly atmosphere, lovely weather and its many, many restaurants. My husband and I began…

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