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General/ Veganism

The Rochester River School: Promoting A Vegan Ethic While Educating Generations Of Solutionaries

The Rochester River School

Rochester, New York, has a litany of shocking statistics. Rochester has the highest rate of extreme poverty in the U.S. for a similarly-sized city. The Rochester City School District’s student graduation rates for African American males (9%) and Latino males (10%) are routinely the lowest in the United States, while overall high school graduation rates are the worst in New York. According to recent studies, Rochester-born “babies are dying at a rate…

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General/ Organic/ Stories

“This is My Rutabaga…It’s Very Special To Me”

This Is My Rutabaga

“This is my rutabaga…It’s very special to me…” this pronouncement from 7 year-old Joe, one of my 2nd grade boys, made in the usual trailing interrogatory prosody of  “sharing time,” our version of show-and-tell. The typical array of items carried carefully into school by the hands of doting parents or shoved in the bottom of backpacks ranges from trophies and vacation pictures and art projects to more exotic artifacts like…

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Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition

Kids and Vegetables: No More Sneaking

When I decided to become a Vegan, it was a weighty decision.  Not because I thought it would be really hard for me personally but I had a husband and two young children to convince as well.   With my girls, I decided to take the slow and steady approach.  I just casually began adding more almond milk to their cow’s milk, switching out hummus for deli meats in their lunches,…

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Nutrition/ Recipes/ Veganism

Juicing for Pre-workout :-) YUM

Juicing for Pre-workout There are numerous types of foods that can be juiced that are loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients. There’s a common myth out there that you should refrain from eating before working out. This notion stems from the belief that your body will tap into its fat reserves if there is no fuel available to burn first. Although this can be the case, the truth is that…

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Juicing/ Recipes/ Veganism

Live foods is Just what the Vegan Body needs!

Carrot contains a very complete nutrition to provide our body the essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals. For each 100 gram, the carrot has 7.6 gram of carbohydrate, 0.6 gram of protein, 0.3 gram of fat, 30 milligram of calcium and 0.6 milligram of iron. Also, it is a good source of fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, potassium and thiamine. Carrot also offers an…

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Animal Rights/ General

Colouring in cruelty

It’s time for my monthly ramblings from the world of vegan parenting… It’s been raining, and raining, and raining some more these last few weeks so we’ve been spending a lot of time colouring  in pictures.  Littlepixie is getting bored of her colouring book and my drawing skills are reasonably close to abysmal, I mean I know what I’m trying to draw, it’s just that our pencils are quite clearly…

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General/ Veganism

Thinking out loud

Since entering the wonderful world of babies, I’ve become much more aware of the constant barrage of animal stereotypes. Almost every baby book has the same pictures: happy pigs in their pens, chickens pecking contentedly in the barn, cows munching on green grass while their calves frolic nearby. Other books describe a day in the life of a zookeeper, and we see the sleepy lions, the huge elephants and the…

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