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Cooking/ Recipes/ Video

Raspberry & Lemon Vegan Cheesecake (No-Bake, Gluten-Free)

Want to make a sweet treat for that special someone on Valentine’s Day, but the thought of baking leaves you less than excited? Then you should try out a no-bake recipe! No need to mess with ovens and risk burning or flattening your masterpiece by baking it too long. A no-bake recipe will pretty much ensure your creation will come out perfectly 🙂 We found a super amazing looking no-bake…

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Daiya Cheezecake Review

Daiya Cheezecake Review

The vegan culinary world has certainly improved in the last ten years, especially in terms of easily accessed grocery products without animal ingredients. When Daiya Foods out of Vancouver, B.C. started making their cheese shreds commercially available in 2009, it felt like the earth shifted slightly: vegan and dairy-free consumers, many of whom had long since given up on the idea of a decent plant-based cheese, suddenly had something that…

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