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Animal Companions/ General

Helping Animals This Winter

Helping Animals This Winter

Initially, the winter started somewhat as a joke here in New England but it has proven to be one of the worst winters in years. And I’m sure that mostly everyone is tired of seeing snow, tired of going on Facebook and seeing more pictures of snow. But as bad as this winter has been for me (lost many work days because of it), I can’t even begin to imagine how rough it’s been…

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Animal Rights/ General

Teens and Technology Make It Easier Than Ever to ‘Cut Out Dissection’

October is not just for haunted hayrides, jack-o’-lanterns, and all-night horror movie marathons. It’s also the month set aside to highlight an issue even more gruesome and frightening than a Friday the 13th film fest—the murder of millions of cats, pigs, frogs, and other animals every year for classroom dissection. October is “Cut Out Dissection” Month, and PETA‘s youth division, peta2, is asking students to observe a day of silence…

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