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General/ Interviews (non-celebrity)/ Restaurants/ Reviews/ Travel/ vegan history/ Veganism/ Video

Watch: Mallorca, Spain Best Vegan Restaurants & Other Insider Tips

HappyCow’s Ken Spector traveled to the island of Mallorca, Spain and checked out the extensive vegan scene in the city of Palma. Ken interviewed several vegan business owners including Bagel’s Andrew Howlett, Lovegano’s Patrick Shell, Bon Lloc’s Juanjo Ramirez, and mymuybueno’s Justine Murphy, and VA De BO’s Joan De Deu Franco Esteva. He also interviewed a Palma, Mallorca local vegan. Below is our video containing interviews and highlights: Watch our…

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Cooking/ Recipes/ Veganism

Salad Bagels

salad bagel recipe

Salad Bagels… I eat them every day for breakfast and I never get tired of them. I vary the spreads and greens and toppings, so that it’s like a new thing every day, but it’s still my tried and true Salad Bagel. This isn’t a recipe per se, but more of a “how-to” on how to put one together. This is what you’ll need: Toasted Bagels: Toast your bagels to desired doneness…

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Travel/ Veganism

Istanbul: The best city in Southeast Europe to become vegetarian or vegan

You might think I am joking. You might once think of becoming vegetarian or vegan for tortured animals, healthier life or more sustainable environment and then give up like this: “But it is not possible in Turkey!” Hold on: Istanbul is not Turkey 🙂  I mean, it competes with other European cities not with Turkish cities when it comes to diversity of restaurants and shops. After the introduction of tofu,…

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