One of the five episodes of Vegan Round the World: The Series showcases the most well-known and influential activists around the world and shares their stories and tells a bit about the behind-the-scenes of their lives as well as giving insights on their individual inspirations. I couldn’t think of a better person to be featured in this episode than Earthling Ed. If you’re vegan, you’ve most likely heard of him and if you’re an activist, then you definitely have. Ed has made countless appearances on television and online platforms, but his newest project, Unity Diner, really is one for the record books.

Located on a cozy street just a short walk from Hoxton square in London, Unity Diner is Ed’s first dive into the world of restaurant managing. And let me tell you; he’s doing a fantastic job of it.
Designed to match the vibes of an All-American diner, Unity is a hip London hot spot that pumps out trendy tunes and beautiful burgers. Their best seller is the Moving Mountains B12 burger, which has gained fame around the UK as being “just like the real thing”. I, of course, had to try it (for science) and I can confirm that it is insanely delicious. The Surge burger is also hard to beat and Unity’s sweet potato fries are addictive to say the least. When coming up with the menu, Ed said that he and his team wanted to make sure to have something for everyone, so there are raw-vegan and gluten-free options as well.

The restaurant is also beautifully designed and features a custom made mural from Tally’s Art (@tallys_art) with a neon centerpiece prophetically touting, “The Future is Vegan”. Ed’s partner, Luna, was behind the design of the restaurant and it’s easy to see that no details were overlooked.

Most importantly, all profits from the diner go towards creating advertising platforms for pro-vegan messages around the UK and also go towards the coming-soon Surge Sanctuary, which we will hear more about in the upcoming months.
Unity Diner’s tagline, “Eat, Drink, and Make a Difference” will certainly inspire you to go ahead and order a second burger, if not a third. Hey, it’s for a good cause, right?

About the author: James is a full-time traveling filmmaker that is currently directing the world’s first-ever vegan documentary series called Vegan Round the World: The Series. Over the next six months the VRTW team will be traveling to over ten countries and capturing inspiring vegan stories from all across the vegan movement! You can watch the Vegan Round the World promotional trailer at the following link: