Dining/ Restaurants/ Reviews/ Travel

Restaurant Highlight – SLA In Amsterdam


We were in Amsterdam on a sunny afternoon early spring. I read about SLA, an organic salad bar, and was curious after reading so many good reviews.


Jop & Nina & Ida opened the first SLA in 2013. The aim of this family company is to let as many people as possible taste great organic food. Most of it is plant-based and organic.


They believe that ‘you are what you eat’. They want to be an inspiration for the people around them and for their customers…and they are! They combine the busy city-life with a healthy lifestyle in an easy and accessible way.

SLA is a wonderful concept that combines great food with a great atmosphere and lots of fresh healthy options!


And the fact that there are now 8 SLA locations in the Netherlands (5 in Amsterdam, 1 in The Hague, 1 in Utrecht and 1 in Haarlem) shows that the public embraces this concept as well.


The iconic ‘greenhouse’ in the salad bar that you can find in every location shows their love of nature and green-life in the city.


There is a wide range of seasonal salads, soups and juices. One of my favorite recipes is the vegan Buddha bowl.


Whenever you come to Amsterdam or any of the other beautiful cities, please make sure you have a stop at SLA… for lunch or a lovely coffee and (vegan) cake! I’m sure you will enjoy it!


About the author: Mariëlle van de Kerkhof — happy urban gardner who loves to travel and eat great vegan food! www.mariellevandekerkhof.com

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