Cooking/ General/ Health/ Meatless Monday/ Nutrition/ Recipes/ Veganism

Meatless Mondays: Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Polenta Bake

Here’s another Meatless Monday recipe to tantalize your taste buds and get you cooking this cruelty-free meal in your kitchen. This week’s Meatless Monday recipe is contributed by our friend, Leigh-Chantelle from Viva la Vegan! a website with a large range of vegan recipes that focuses on positive information, education and vegan outreach.


2 cups polenta (cornmeal / semolina)

3 cups of soy milk

1/4 pumpkin, diced

2 sweet potatoes, diced

2 tablespoons of satay sauce

1 onion, diced

1 garlic clove, crushed

200g tempeh, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon of Egg-Like (or another vegan egg alternative)

30ml water

wheat germ


mix the polenta with 2 cups of soy milk and satay sauce in a microwaveable container

cook in 30 second successions, mixing each time

cook pumpkin and sweet potato, mash together

add the remaining cup of soy milk to the polenta, a bit at a time, stirring and cooking in 30 second blocks

finish when there is no more liquid and the mixture seems to have expanded

whisk the egg-like and water together in a cup, add to pumpkin and potato mix

mix in the pumpkin and potato to the polenta mixture, add the onion, garlic and tempeh

pat down the mixture into a greaseproof papered tin

sprinkle a thin layer of wheat germ on top, pat down

cook in a moderate oven (180°C / 350°F) until golden

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