
Frugally and Environmentally Friendly Transportation Alternatives

A high number of people who completely forgo dietary animal consumption are wholly peace and ecologically minded. Extending into the area of travel are legitimate concerns surrounding fuel dependency such as the negative effects of carbon emissions on the planet, and of foreign oil dependency because of which deadly conflicts are a current reality. Those who are environmentally conscious struggle daily to find affordable, reliable and environmentally friendly transportation in age where fossil fuels are a reality. Alternative methods of transport typically are under advertised, but with a little research, and a whole lot of creativity, successful transportation procedures can be a reality.

Walking and biking or any other human powered transportation methods allow commuters to get to where they need to go virtually expense free and complete their exercise regime in one fell swoop instead of being reserved as a last resort. Although the practicality of auto-less travel is generally dependent on daylight hours, temperate weather conditions and solid back ups, it has the potential to fit into a comprehensive transportation plan. Many state transportation systems offer professional agency type programs and incentives to local commuters who utilize alternative type transportation services. Common services include extensive transportation alternative links, as well as offering benefits to registered users such as a carpool match program and an emergency ride home guarantee, which applies to carpooling and bus riders as well as walkers and bikers.

A shared commuting situation such as carpooling can cut down on individual expenses and lengthen the life of participating automobiles by combining resources and sharing burdens such as driving and schedule planning. Probably the most common reservations to this type of option is concern over individual driver responsibilities and reliance on other drivers; concerns about scheduled driver no-shows and subsequent courses of action to follow in the case of such a scenario. Careful planning is vital for a workable carpooling venture and requires close communication between participants, such as early notification of schedule changes and emergencies to allow time for everyone to make other predetermined arrangements. Department of transportation emergency service option plans are a useful component in developing an alternative transportation plan.
Many carpooling opportunities are posted on community bulletin boards such as at places of employment, colleges and universities as well as at professional commuter service organizations.

Public transportation including bus, rail, plane, and ferry, typically consists of scheduled fixed route pickup services for intercity and even interstate commerce to the general public at a nominal cost, which spare change will probably cover for a one way trip.
While the majority of transit systems offering extensive services especially in terms of hours of operation are located within the larger cities, it definitely is an option worth looking into in smaller towns as well, as fees may be even lower and can work in conjunction with other services.

Fuel costs continue to be an issue for traditional commuters as well as carpooling. Gas price comparison web sites such as gasbuddy.com provide current price per gallon for local gas stations throughout the U.S. and Canada so that motorists can be as well informed as possible and ultimately have a little more control over transportation expenses. (A note to readers: Please send in any international price comparison sites)

For further information visit the following web sites and contact info:
American Public Transportation Association provides regional and state transportation links. Commuter Connections http://www.apta.com/links/state_local/ & http://www.publictransportation.org/ provide a similar service.

For those without web access, local phone book yellow page listings in the United States Government section should yield transportation department contact info. Also, check out the white page community service section. Look for transportation Dept. listings. Which provides extensive transportation alternative links, as well as offering benefits to registered users such as a carpool match program and an emergency ride home guarantee, which applies to carpooling and bus riders as well as walkers and bikers.

Finally, when the time comes to purchase a new automobile, consider buying one that is fuel-efficient: http://saveenergy.about.com/od/fuelingyourautomobile/p/EfficiencyByCla.htm

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