
Earth Month 2024 | 10 Important Vegan Quotes About The Environment

Vegan Quotes about the Environment - Earth Month

With Earth Day just around the corner, the theme is set for the whole month of April, aka Earth Month! This is the perfect time of the year for us to educate ourselves on the toll that animal agriculture takes on the environment and take steps towards change.

If you’re seeking a dose of inspiration or motivation, here is a compilation of 10 important vegan quotes by celebrities, thought leaders, plant-based athletes, and more:

1. “It dawned on me that if we want to solve climate, we have to solve livestock.”

Ethan Brown, Founder of Beyond Meat

2. “The Paris Agreement is completely silent on animal agriculture but a third of methane emissions come from animal agriculture. We can all make a difference. Fight climate change simply with diet change.”

Moby, American musician and animal rights activist

3. “Every single person can help the planet and reduce climate change with one small choice every week.”

Leonardo DiCaprio, Academy Award-winning actor

4. “It’s upsetting that so many people think of themselves as environmentalists and still eat meat and dairy products. I think it’s something people should be considering given the emergency situation we’re in regarding water supplies, global warming, and the destruction of ecosystems. There’s a lot of overlap between animal rights and the environment.”

Emily Deschanel, American actress

5. By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh, Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, peace activist, authors, and teacher

6. “Being a part of the issue is not meaningful. Being part of the solution is and I’m striving to do better. I urge you, to do some research, find the compassion I know you have within you to recognise what you are in terms of what you eat which keeps the meat and dairy industry flourishing and therefore deforestation, animal cruelty, ours seas and climate decaying on a daily basis. Go vegan, it is the only way to truly save our planet today. It can be done so quickly, all you have to do is put your mind to it.”

Lewis Hamilton, seven-time Formula One champion and owner of Neat Burger

7. “The slaughtering of animals and farming and everything, that’s obviously also a huge impact on climate change which maybe people don’t talk about as much. It’s more than a performance reason for me, it’s a lifestyle, it’s something I’m really proud of.”

Novak Djokovic, World’s No. 1 professional Tennis player

8. “We believe in justice for animals, the environment and people. That’s why we support the Plant Based Treaty and urge individuals and governments to sign it.”

Paul McCartney, English singer, songwriter and musician from The Beatles

9. “We can think of our atmosphere as a budget and our emissions as expenses: because methane and nitrous oxide are significantly larger greenhouse expenses than CO2 in the short term, they are the most urgent to cut. Because they are primarily created by our food choices, they are also easier to cut.”

Jonathan Safran Foer, American novelist

10. “The bottom line is clear: we are facing imminent disaster. If we really want to save the planet from climate catastrophe, we must promote a grassroots effort with a clear normative directive: stop eating animal products and adopt a vegan diet.”

Gary L. Francione, American academic in the fields of law and philosophy

And we have many more vegan quotes to share! Check out these two articles:
Can Going Vegan Change Your Life?
20 Powerful Vegan Quotes That Will Change You Forever

No matter where you are on your journey, TeamCow is here to support you with several tips, guides, resources, and stories on veganism and the environment. Watch this space and keep learning more!

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