Environment/ General

Earth Month 2023 | Top 3 Reasons To Go Vegan For The Planet

Earth Month - Reasons To Go Vegan For The Planet

Earth Day is fast approaching, giving us all the more reason to dedicate the whole month of April (aka Earth Month) to the environment!

With more people making plant-forward choices for health and ethical reasons, there are also inevitable positive environmental implications. Imagine having the power to safeguard the Earth’s resources, halt the climate crisis, and protect our planet for generations to come. Well, it turns out we do—going vegan is a tremendously planet-friendly choice to make! 

By choosing vegan this Earth Month, you will be:

1. Taking a stand against unnecessary deforestation

Forests are being rapidly cleared to make way for growing animal feed and grazing. Those who blame soy for the destruction of the Amazon may not be aware that most soy is in fact grown for farmed animal feed, especially chickens.  Animal agriculture is the biggest driver of deforestation. A plant-based diet, on the other hand, requires far less land for food production. According to the US Department of Agriculture statistics, one acre of land can grow 20,000 pounds of potatoes. That same acre of land, when used to grow cattle feed, can produce only up to 165 pounds of edible cow flesh.

“A vegan culture is a tree culture.”
– The Vegan Society’s Erika Cook on BBC, all the way back in 1776!

The bottom line: By being vegan, we protect trees. By protecting trees, we also protect the habitats of millions of species—all while creating carbon sinks and supporting a healthy water table! This leads to the next point.

2. Fighting against species extinction

Many scientists believe the world is now undergoing a sixth mass extinction. Sixty percent of the world’s animal populations have been wiped out since 1970, and animal agriculture is cited as a key reason. As a result of the widespread deforestation, wild animals are displaced or killed, driving entire species to extinction.

“This is far more than just being about losing the wonders of nature, desperately sad though that is,” says Mike Barrett, executive director of science and conservation at WWF. “This is actually now jeopardizing the future of people. Nature is not a ‘nice to have’ – it is our life-support system.”

3. Saving water!

Shockingly, up to 5000 gallons of water is required to produce just one pound of beef – that’s an enormous amount, Animal agriculture is responsible for 20%-33% of all freshwater consumption in the world today. Try this vegan calculator to see how much water you can save just by ditching animal products! Runoff from factory farms and livestock grazing also correlates with  river and lake pollution, contaminating groundwater with viruses and bacteria – yuck. You vote to protect freshwater – the most important thing we drink- by switching what you eat.  

Giving veganism a try this Earth Month is a way of advocating for a happier, healthier natural world. A world where lush forests, ethereal wildlife, majestic lakes and rivers, rich soils, and other natural resources that sustain life on Earth can thrive.

If you intend to give it a go, take it one day at a time—every bit counts, and you know you have all our support!

These articles will ease the transition and make it feel like a breeze:
Can Going Vegan Change Your Life?
Best Online Groups To Join If You’re A New Vegan
Answering Funny Questions Vegans Get All The Time!
Vegan Diet On A Budget: TeamCow’s Tips
5 Documentaries For Veganuary That’ll Change Your Life

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